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The Music Business is a Business

Most of us as musicians do music because we love it. We love to perform, compose and arrange music. It gives us pleasure.

When a musician decides that he/she wants to enter the music business they must face the simple fact that the Music Business is first of all a BUSINESS.

Fact #1

People enter into a business to make a PROFIT.

Fact #2

You can only make a profit if you earn more than you spend. In other words your INCOME must exceed your EXPENDITURE.

Fact #3

You cannot know how much profit you have made unless you keep accurate records of the money you spend (your EXPENSES) and the money you earn (Your INCOME).  


This means that if you are considering a career in the music business then you must be prepared to monitor the flow of money in your life. This is basically ACCOUNTING and BOOKKEEPING. If you you want to do courses in Bookkeeping and Accounts ....go ahead. It won't hurt. Or if you just want to keep a file of your receipts and make sure your check book balances....that's fine too. You can also hire an accountant to do your books....the important thing is that you need to be in control of your money if you are going to be success as a businessperson in the MUSIC BUSINESS.


copyright © 2003 Griot Music
Last modified: March 23, 2003