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Griot Music Ltd

A Griot is a West African Story-Teller                                                                                          Griot Music seeks to tell the Caribbean story through research and the Arts                                                          We also love making music with our unique Caribbean vibe                                           We have a vision of becoming a major publisher of Caribbean Creativity.                                                                              Join forces with us at

Music Business

Here is a list of top-class musicians who play for Dinners, Weddings and the like.

Need to know where to go to listen to good music? Even some Caribbean Jazz? Click on the picture to hear Seretse's CD and click here for music venues in Jamaica.


Learn more about the basics of the music business.

Need to record a Demo? Click here to learn more about the studio and our rates! 


Learn how to protect your songs!

Have an interest in learning more about the Caribbean and it's people? Here are some stories for you to read

Organizing a fundraiser or some other music-based event and need some help? Click here for info on our Project Management Service



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copyright © 2003 Griot Music
Last modified: March 23, 2003