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Radiation Rape Is Real


This Site is dedicated to the spirit of human freedom, dignity, and our basic God-given rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is intended and will strive to awaken all to the very deceptive, real and present dangers posed by microwave weaponry assault upon human subjects. Unprincipled ambitionists feel driven to control our society, our thoughts, and our very lives with invasive and punishing radiation devices This oppressive system is rightfully called, "THE ELECTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP". More about this well-organized and high-tech system as we develop these pages. Already hundreds of people have testified as to the nature and extent of these atrocities.

On these pages we plan to collect and summarize data from many diverse efforts which are striving for solutions to the microwave assault and mind control problems.These effortsare all pointed toward establishing the validity of victim`s complaints, and seeking relief and redress from a malicious and misguided program of social control. Our goal is to collate and codify information so that collective and concerted actions can be launched and sustained.

It is critical that we all STILL hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (unfettered from the ruthless ambitions of social engineers).

The intent for subsequent pages is to submit Bulletins pointed in the main toward progress in areas which will build proof for our contentions that microwave and mind control assaults are real.

We are in an era where the judicial system has, in part, lost stability and integrity. It has become extremely difficult to prove a case even when there is overwhelming evidence to support it. As a result, we as victims of invisible attacks which usually leave little or no physical evidence, face a formidable mountain in our climb to justice.

Our strength is in unity and collective actions. Those who so aggressively oppress us, will exert every mean effort to disrupt and impede those actions. Therefore, it is prudent to focus on items which lend progress toward proof.

Important Web Sites The Flagship of Mind Control A Base for M/C Research Organized Details of M/C MKULTRA In Depth M/C Harassment Study Click here to go to BULLETINS Click here to go to COMPARE



The presidential elections, Nov. 2000, were an unprecidented example of how the rule of law has been replaced by the rule of lawyers. Legal ruses and manuevers were employed by the attorneys for the losing candidate, seeking to circumvent the constitution, rather than upholding it. After some five weeks of this violation of voting regulations and laws, the Supreme Court finally put a stop to it, but not before it became obvious that here was another attempt to trash American traditions of freedom. This follows these previous attempts in other like areas :

The first was the soap-opera trial of O.J. Simpson which demonstrated on world tv the inadequacy of our Justice System as the theme developed that with careful bending of law and order, one could indeed "get away with murder" in the U.S.

Next, the violation of our borders took place, as a flood of illegal emigrants proved more than the Border Patrols and our U.S. agencies could handle.

Then the Presidency, and the time-honored oval office of our White House were trashed by X-rated exploits, for the entertainment of the whole world.

That some covert, powerful, and influential force is arranging the disparagement of American traditions of sovereignty, dignity, law and order, becomes increasingly apparent.

it is also increasingly apparent that these attempts are organized and orchestrated through the use of sophisticated, high-tech weaponry supplying 24 hour a day surveillance of selected target areas and attendant radiation punishment to "make their point"

The whole point of this web-site is to disclose these covert efforts and make reasonable assessments as to the what, where, how, and who of such an ambitious social control system.