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Feeding Frenzy


Hi, I'm Bobbie and I LOVE TO EAT. Being very mobile, I love to eat out. There is no drive thru safe when it comes to me!! I think nothing of going to Micky D's or White Castle for the appetizer. Those little burgers are just the right size for a mouth full. And the "mighty wings" are great for sucking off the meat from the bone.

I LOVE prime rib, (medium rare thank you) baked potatoes and of course all the veggies too (gotta eat healthy too). The best and what I think is the most flavorful is the fat on the meat. I gobble that up. (slurp!!) I also like to get the cooked chickens from the grocery store. I can NEVER wait to get home to eat it with the side dishes I have to prepare. Half the chicken is gone by the time I get home. I have learned I have to buy 2. One to eat at home and one to eat on the way home.

For my just desserts, ice cream and cake. I LOVE a healthly piece of dark chocolate cake with whipped cream icing and a couple of big heaping scoops of vanilla ice cream (made with real cream of course) and topped off with hot fudge and more whipped cream and a cherry. Oh Hell, a whole jar of cherries, Who am I kidding?

I also enjoy Donuts at any time of the day. Since the donut shop by my house is open 24 hours (hey, cops have to eat too!!). I love to go in there and get a Cafe' Iced Mocha with a bakers dozen of the soft pillowly cakes and just scarf them down. (I did this in my video).

I'm always looking for new adventures in food. Recipes, restaurants anything. So if you have any ideas just let me know.

So until then CHOW I mean caio!!

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Chicago's Big Connections Dances
