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Stormtrooper Information Central

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Awards my Site has Won!

September 15, 1997
Congrats! You have been presented the Silver Xwing award, the second highest honor from The Jedi Knights Homepage. You have the most Stormtrooper info anywhere, your site can sell as a book!

September 16, 1997
As the Webmaster of a good Homepage, you just won The Jedi Master Award.
The Jedi Master Award is given to providers of Homepages of any kind with good Layout and Information.
You have been awarded with the following Award:
Four Stars: Given to Excelent Homepages

September 16, 1997
You are the proud winner of a 4 of 5 points SWDN award. In a discussion with other "supporting cast" members of the SWDN you received the award.

September 16, 1997
This is to inform you that you have Xizor's: Groovy Site Award. This award is not easy to win, congratulations....and May the Force be With You....Always.

September 29, 1997

Congradulations, soldier! Your webpage has won Admiral Luc's Webpage Contest with a score of 89! Your link will on my page FOREVER!!! Congradulations and May The Dark Side Consume You!

Admiral Luc

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