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Stormtrooper Information Central

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Awards my Site has Won!

August 20, 1997
You win the Trivia Award.
Why don't you give it a try?

August 21, 1997
You have won the Aloha Award.
I was so impressed with your Stormtroopers site, that I showed your site
the Aloha Award committee and...
We feel you are a candidate for the Aloha Award.
This is a well organized site with lots of great images and information. Great work!

I received the Aloha Award
From Topher's Castle in Honolulu, Hawaii!

August 21, 1997
You have won the Pau Hana Award.
We have designed a new Pau Hana Award which is pretty cool. As an Aloha Award winner, you are entitled to pickup the Pau Hana award for your site. (Future Aloha Award winners will not have the opportunity to pick-up two awards).
Our Aloha Award remains our premier award.

I received the Pau Hana Award
From Topher's Castle in Honolulu, Hawaii!

August 24, 1997
We at The Imperial StarSite, think that your site, out of dozens of StarWars sites, should be awarded the weekly imperial starsite award(silver).
We congradulate you, and wish you the best...
Keep up the Great work,
Lior Rodan, Webmaster.

August 26, 1997
The Guild is a newly form website, concerned with the aesthetical qualities of Star Wars tribute sites as well as information contained therein.
The ultimate goal is to find, or produce, the ultimate Star Wars experience through the looks and feel of a site. This is something that you have obviously tried to address yourself, and subsequently are here by awarded Guild Approved Status.
Congratulations on such a fine website.
Mike Reynolds
Graphic Designer [...& "Guildmaster"]

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