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Stormtrooper Information Central

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Awards my Site has Won!

July 20, 1997
You've won the Star Wars Visitors Choice Award!

July 22, 1997
Most impressive. :)
You are hearby awarded the Golden Imperial Seal of Excellence. I really enjoyed your site. :) Keep up the good work. :)
Congratulations, and thanks for submitting your site. :)
Blake Wylie

July 23, 1997
Congradulations!! You are one of the new recipients of "One of Greedo's Greatest Websites" Award!! If this reply took longer than usual I apologize but hey, I work for a living ya know!
Dustin L. Roberts

July 24, 1997
Right on! This is the sort of originality we like to see with site that come after our award! :) the various unique pictures really helped the site score well too!
For being distinctly orignal we are going to go ahead and award you a GOLD!
Thanx and enjoy!!!

July 25, 1997
Congrats! You won!
By the way, there is another type of Stormtrooper. The Sandtrooper. They are like Davin Felth and the Stormtroopers from Tatooine.

I disagree, I feel the Sandtrooper is a Stormtrooper with some extra gear
"And These blast points, too acurate for SandPeople, only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise"
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars ANH

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