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A Sabbat is the witch/wiccan/pagan term for holiday. On these days we do special rituals to honor the Goddess, and her consort, the God. There are eight Sabbats, four Grand Sabbats, four Minor Sabbats. Each one is known by different names, but have the same meaning.


Grand Sabbats

Imbolc (Candlemas, Lady Day, & Oiemelc) which is celebrated February 2nd

Beltane (May Day, Rood Day, Rudemas, & Walpurgisacht) which is celebrated May 1st

Lughnasadh (Lammas, August Eve, & First Harvest) which is celebrated August 1st

Samhain (Halloween, Hallowmas, All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Eve, Festival of the Dead, & Third Harvest) which is celebrated October 31st (it is pronounced SOW-en).


Minor Sabbats

Ostara (Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Festival of the Trees, Rite of Eostre, & Alban Eilir) celebrated the first day of spring

Litha (Midsummer, Summer Solstice, & Alban Hefin) celebrated the first day of summer

Mabon (Autumn Equinox, Fall Sabbat, Alban Efed, & Second Harvest) celebrated the first day of autumn

Yule (Winter Solstice, Winter Rite, Midwinter, & Alban Arthan) celebrated the first day of winter.


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