The Tale of a Certain Playmate's Special Journey


























































































The Heroic Story of Fred from the 'Hood:


    Once upon a time in a probably majestic kingdom, lived a boy or girl that needed to make a replica of a cell for a science teacher. Probably thinking that he or she should find something to symbolize the Cell Membrane on the cell, they reached into some sort of box to find a small noble Playmobile toy. Not realizing the importance of this toy, they just glued it to a poster.

    In room 416, the small toy wait until one day, a majestic prince named Tom rescued him from his imprisonment on the immense poster, and saved his day.

    Tom soon named this toy Fred from the 'Hood, though he was mostly referred to as The Playmate. The Playmate had a grand day with Tom, getting his hair done, and pretty much nothing else. He had been showed to everybody, and nobody could resist the charm of The Playmate. Everybody just had to play with him, and everybody did.

    This might sound like a good thing, but in fact, a price was paid for this fun. Fourth block rolled by, and everybody wanted a turn with The Playmate. And after a while, he had been for all to see, including a nefarious teacher, named Mr. Carter.

    The first time the person let go the fun time that we were having with the playmate, with just the consequence that we were not allowed to play with him for the remainder of the block. But people, including the majestical Tom, became needy, and the time soon revealed, once again, the forbidden playing with The Playmate.

    This time, Mr. Carter was not very generous, and sentenced The Playmate to spend time wasting away in his classroom.

    So there hung The Playmate, for a couple of weeks, taped so despicably on the chalk board. As the GEPA week came, Tom made an attempt to rescue The Playmate before watching the perfectly hip movie, Shrek. But this only made it worse. The Playmate was taken from Tom's hands, and cruelly shoved in a desk drawer for another month or two.

    Days seemed helpless for The Playmate, while Tom strived to rescue  him. A clearing finally came in the beginning of April, when a writing task propelled the evil Mr. Carter to use The Playmate as a writing prompt. Tom had heard of the good news that his The Playmate had been spotted, and hoped to see him himself.

    As fourth block once again came around the next day, The Playmate and Tom once again met, but only briefly. This previous depressing sentence was saved though, with a word that Mr. Carter would give Tom The Playmate if he did not stand up in class for the next week.

    So Tom stood up the number of two times, but the second B- day of the week, but made it to Thursday, the last day before Spring Break.

    The last minutes rolled around as the evil Mr. Carter played a nefarious trick on Tom. He had told him that his two- year old son had broke The Playmate's hand off. Tom grieved for minutes on end, until Mr. Carter pointed out that The Playmate's hair had lay on one of the desks. Tom felt more grief, until he and his The Playmate were re- united, being taken out of Mr. Carter's pocket.

    So concludes this tale of The Playmate, I know you really cared.