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I Want my Brothers , Sisters and Everyone else to know, That I was with Dad and Mom till the Holy end of His life on this earth, not only for myself and Mom , But for each and everyone of you too.  I want you all to know that when I was with him I talked of you all.  I told him how much you love him. When you would see him, what was going on in your lives including your Children, and how you will be here for Mom?  He loved that. He understood that each of us handled the stress of his illness in different ways, and that that was ok. He wanted you all to know that His one wish in life was not to out live any of us or Mom.  God granted Him that wish and he is happy.  He wants you all to know that he loved no one more or less, that each of us has a very special place in his heart and soul.  That he is only gone in body, and is still living fully in our hearts, minds, and souls.  He wants us not to forget Al. Jr. Uncle Kenny and Aunt Jean. And to always face our fear and sadness with his sense of humor, His strongest weapon in life.  It always worked for him and he wants all of us to use it.  So that it never dies, and that it grows only stronger with our children and their children and so on. 
These are just a couple of the many things Dad taught me.
-Face fear with humor-
-Judge myself not others-
-Help others in need-
-That you are truly the richest person when God and Love is in your heart-
God Bless Dad and Mom
Watch over our Troops
God Bless the World                 Written and read by: Therese


MY Chickadee
A chickadee flew down too say Hello
And there I said hi to sweet daddy-O
Oh what a wonderful world this can be.
Love to all who cherish
Thank-you Sweet Daddy-O

March 22 2003

Thank You Sweet Daddy-O
foring tell me I can write
Thank-you Sweet Daddy-O
For now this day, I will grow
Thank you for the birthday gift
My so very Sweet Daddy-O
I miss you today
I miss you every day
I love the laughter you bring to me
I thank-you Sweet Daddy-O
I love you
My Sweet Daddy-O
I promise I will grow...
My Sweet Daddy-O
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