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Le Zoo!

These's are my owners. Three lovely furba.. *cough* cats. Two pillo.. er.. cockatiels. One genius, my hamster! I love animals. Fortunetly, my job allows me to stay close to them. No matter what I'm surrounded! Which always is interesting.

Angelina is the queen. She's elegant, regal, "mothers" the other two. Champion pouncer I might add. We got to see her be born, we've had her ever since. She's amazing.

Brooklyn, the household bitch. Guests are greated by her Kujo attitude.. hissing, spitting, and attacking their shoes. Even now after almost a year, this one will only be nice to my brother who she'll even hop in the bath with! The rest of us are promptly bitten for doing such sins as tossing her a fur mouse, or treats.

Shannon, my baby, my princess. I love this cat to pieces. Angie's owns mom. Chris has Brooke. I have my beautiful, Shanna. This one is soooo shy to everyone except one other and me (though he's allergic, poor Shanna). She comes to me when I call her from anywhere. She lets me dress her in doggie shirts and bandana's. She sleeps with me and is always at my feet, never leaving my side.. Brooke and her were both mistreated by previous owners. I really lucked out that Shannon is so wonderful.

Gabriel and Osha my birdies. Gabby is all attitude. He's actually got Brooklyn beat. He's got no excuse even. He's just a grumpy, pain in the ass, that I'm really really lucky to have (honest I am). He whistles anything you can, and will. He cat calls me daily (I love him). He says, "Hello Gabby, baby!" "I love you." and "Step up." Osha doesn't talk but who needs words. She'll cuddle you right under your chin and stay there. She loves her neck scritched. She's sooo sweet, but she'll give Gabby a piece of her mind when his flirting, macho behavior gets out of hand. Gabby is the grey with his wings up. Osha is the cinnamon pearl.

Last, but never least. Darwin. Darwin is my baby boy. He cuddles in my palm and keeps my up at night with that wheel of his... I know its hamster language for Tiffany is great, so great I miss her when she tries to sleep. He, like all hamster's are genius escape artist.