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Current Projects

In random order, a summary is below name

VirtuaCity 2 is the sequel to the FAMOUS (ha) game VirtuaCity. Instead of Wandering around as one a Virtuian, you are now a city planner and builder. It is a mad rip-off of SimCity, but this has weirder buildings and a stupid-er layout. This'll be good fun once it comes out

Estimated time until completion: Depends on how long it takes me to work out everything... Estimated 3-4 months

SGC's first first-person shooter! It's kinda pointless, but it's till something to fill the hours. You basically run through endless hallways, shooting random monsters. You have a sprint meter, which is kinda pointless, but is a good strategy. You back up, shoot all the enemies and what not, and when time is about to run out, sprint to the end of the hallway and go through the next door. It works pretty well.

Estimated time until completion: Wouldn't take me long, prolly about 2 weeks.

Second FPS coming from us. This is going to be a very, very cool game. There are going to be atleast 15 weapons, more than 20 kinds of enemies, and atleast 10 different levels. This is very hightech for our standards. It's going to be a long time though before this is done.

A very cool game. You walk through an RPG-style school, craving food and one-minute romances. Select 4 different character types, and raise your grades, hottness, and coolness throughout the school "year". This game will be very cool.

Estimated time until completion: Probably about 4-5 weeks.