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Things You Won't Hear on DragonBall Z

(and other fun stuff)

Krillin: I'm glad I don't have a nose because then I don't have to worry about a runny nose when I get a cold.
Tien: I have 20/20/20 vision.
Piccolo: I may act tough, but deep down inside I'm insecure, sensitive and caring. Some nights I cry because of how cruel this world is and how no one likes me.
Gohan: I can't reach! My arms are the same size as my puny legs!
Chi-Chi: I'm going to tattoo, in big letters, on my arm


Goku: I'm going on a diet where I only eat 50 pounds of food a day.
Bulma: Arghh, I can't figure this out! I don't know how to turn on the computer!
Trunks:Let's get ready to rummmble!!!!
Vegeta: I'm afraid of spiders.

Obvious things on DragonBall Z

Freeza: I feel evil today
Goku: Amazing! I saved the world!
Some Random Person: Oh no! Earth is being attacked by aliens that look like monkeys! They are trying to take over the world again! Will Goku save us?!
Evil Alien: Ow! That Kamehameha really hurt!
Piccolo: I just noticed that all us aleins look the same,and a lot like humans!
Yamcha: Bulma, you're smart! Goku doesn't know a thing! Do you think it is because he used his head to fight when he was young?
Krillen: The aleins look more like humans than the humans do.
Writer: I spelled 'alien'wrong.
Somebody: By the way,did you notice that the
aleins aileins elians ailains alsien aliens look a lot like humans?

DBZ Characters Visit the Phsyciatrist (nicknamed Psyco Doc)

Vegeta: For some reason, everyone seems to hate me.
Psyco Doc: Maybe if you didn't kill them, they would like you better.
Vegeta: I didn't think of that.
Psyco Doc: Duh

Piccolo: I hate Goku!
Psyco Doc: Why do you hate him?
Piccolo: I don't know. I just do.
Psyco Doc: Why don't you talk to him about it?
Piccolo: That would be too easy
Psyco Doc: Whatever. Sigh. Next!

Goku: I feel happy!
Psyco Doc: Why are you here?
Goku: I feel happy!
Psyco Doc: Okay then.

Pysco Doc: So, Chi-Chi, what seems to b

(Ed. note: Sorry the for the interruption. The writer is currently fleeing the men in white.)

Chi-Chi, Goku and Gohan go on a talk show

Chi-Chi: My husband doesn't love me. Plus, he doesn't help with the work!
Goku: That's not true! I lift my feet when you vacuum!
Gohan: I love bananas on pizza.
Goku: Speaking of bananas, why did you tattoo 'I Love Mustard and Bananas' on your arm? Why didn't you tattoo something about me?
Chi-Chi: You don't taste good with mustard.
Gohan: Mustard tastes goood on pizza.
Chi-Chi: And Goku, you can't drive worth bleep!
Goku: Neither can Piccolo! Or you!
Chi-Chi (turning red): That doesn't matter! Plus, you always forget my birthday!
Goku: I do not! Everyone knows it's on February 31st!
Chi-Chi: You dolt! It's March 3rd!
Goku: Same difference(to himself: I always wondered why it was never her birthday).
Talk Show Host: What do you think, Gohan?
Gohan: Tires and pizza go well together.
Chi-Chi: Listen to him! He's obsessed with pizza! It's your fault. You're obsessed with food!
Goku: It's not my fault he's mental, honey.
Chi-Chi: You called me honey! That's a food name. It proves my point!
Goku: But sweetiepie...
Chi-Chi: Heh heh ha ha hee hee! More food names!
Gohan: Honey is the best on sweet pizza pie.
Suddenly, a fight breaks out. Chairs are thrown. The audience runs and screams in terror.
Gohan: I like avacodos and pizza together. Don't you?
Then Kami comes in and hits everyone on the head with his staff, knocking them out.

The End
