I See You

The suite was dark as he had expected it to be. Closing the door behind him, he struggled his way in, careful not to bump into any furniture that might be in his way. The dark had never been his friend but when the mood was down and melancholy made its' visit, nothing was more inviting than darkness.

The lingering smell of Jack Daniels that had stained his expensive, silk black shirt was empowering and drunk as he was, the sadness never did left him. Too tired to even made it to the room, he slumped himself down on the sofa and stared into the darkness ahead of him. He willed his mind to go blank, pushing the replayed conversations that was ringing in his head to the back of his mind. He knew he was loosing the battle, the voices just keep growing louder.

He always thought he knew his brothers well, that there could be no secrets among them. He thought wrong. He had been so happy to finally get back on his feet, to finally understand what his purpose was of being where they were now. His solo career had been a success; his life, which he once felt was going nowhere, now knew where it was suppose to be heading. For the first time in a long run, he truly felt happy.

That day was supposed to be happy. For the first time in a year, he was coming back to his brothers. The Backstreet Boys were coming back for another album, he couldn't hardly wait. He had all these energy in him waiting to burst. He had even penned some lyrics while touring alone, his thoughts always going 'this could be good for the group' or 'can't wait to show this to the guys'. No matter how clearly he had said he wanted to do his own thing, he never felt totally detached from the group, that somewhere in him, there was a little voice that went 'if the guys were here right now, this room are gonna get trashed'. And so, those were the things that kept him striving to go forward, because tomorrow meant another day closer to a Backstreet Boys' reunion.

But the moment he had stepped into the studio, he stepped into a picture that had been imprinted in his mind permanently. He doubt if it will ever go away. Kevin was playing the keyboard and his remaining brothers were standing in a small circle, belting out a slow number that he had never heard of before. Their voices filled the entire studio, their eyes were closed and the melody that reached his ears told him that it was a winner. He saw no fault in it whatsoever, the song was perfect.

That was when it hit him. Where does he fit in an already perfect picture?

The thought left him as soon as he had even think about it, and while he waited for them to end the song, he stood leaning against the door frame, a smile creeping up on his face. Somewhere, somehow, he will fit.

The song ended and without waiting a second longer, he had blurted out a 'wow'. Realising his appearance, they turned towards him and smiles crept up on their faces. AJ was the first to break the silence that followed after that.

"Hey, there's our superstar!" He beamed and as Nick walked into the studio, AJ met him half way and rewarded him with a hug. "How's it going bro?"

"I should be the one asking you that." Nick had replied as they pulled away from the hug. AJ frowned, not understanding the remark.


"Of course." Nick shrugged. "How's married life?"

"He's hanging in there." Howie had answered for him, a small smile played on his lips.

"Hey, it's not that bad. I'm actually loving it." AJ replied as he snapped a bundle of rolled papers on Howie's arm.

"I heard you just fly in last night; tired?" Kevin asked as he too, went for a hug.

"You know, I'm actually not tired. I can't wait for this." Nick replied as he placed his bag on the floor. "That song is awesome."

"We wrote it like two months ago." Brian replied and then reached out for a hug. "Missed you bro."

It shouldn't have mattered, but it did. They wrote that beautiful song together, and he wasn't a part of it. That little voice inside of him was asking if it had even been a good move to go solo.

"How's the kid?" Nick asked, referring to Brian's son.

Brian immediately lit up at the mention of his son. "He's doing great!"

"I miss him so much. You gotta bring him down here some day."

"I will."

"Okay guys, hate to ruin the party, but we have to start with work." Rodney, their studio technician, interrupted.

"Ah well, here we go." AJ smiled. "Nick, if you wanna go get some stuff or change, you better do it now."

"Actually, management called just now, I have to meet them for a while." Nick announced.

"Yeah? You know what it's about?" Brian asked.

"No idea, but they said it's important." Nick replied. "Anyway, I don't think it's gonna take long. I have some songs that I wrote a while back, I thought you guys could look into it and tell me what you think about it."

"You wrote songs for the group?" Kevin asked as he took the file from Nick.

"Yeah. If we can work something around it, could be good." Nick replied.

"Okay bro, will do." Howie said. "You meanwhile, go and have that meeting."

Everything felt perfect then. He had stepped out of the studio feeling very much fitted into the picture. The meeting with management went excellent too. They had wanted to congratulate him on his success and of his return to working with the guys again. Nothing could have taken that happiness away from him. At least, he thought so.

The door to the studio was slightly ajar when he reached it and the voices that he heard in there was anything but happy. His brothers were having a group discussion. He debated if he should just barge in or wait. He opted on the latter.

"I thought we already have all the songs we want."

"Apparently, we have to look over Nick's too."

"Look, just because he's made it solo, doesn't mean he can start writing stuff and expect us to go through it."

"I bet his songs are gonna be those rock stuff, we can't sing that."

"What's taking him so long anyway?"

"Who cares? Management is so bias. Now, they're making him go to meetings alone. I hate to say this, but sooner or later, decisions are gonna be in his hands alone."

"But we have to at least listen to his songs right? I mean, it's only fair."

"Fair? He went out on his own, told the whole world he wasn't really happy being the 'baby' in the group and made a success on his own and leave us here to plan everything without him, you call that fair?"

Nick had cleared his throat then and the studio went silent. He took out his cell phone, dialled his home number and soon after the answering machine answered, he talked. Pretending to still be in the middle of a conversation, he entered the room and smiled at them. His brothers had smiled back, everything was normal again.

They didn't record a single song that day, and Nick's file had been delicately pushed to the side as the guys introduced him to the tracks that they had came up with. He had heard people said that he was a good actor and he was. He dedicated the entire day to the group, pushing the millions of questions to a place he knew he couldn't reach.

Even back in the hotel, his brothers had discreetly implemented that they would be busy with their own thing. But what had hurt him the most was when he found out that Howie and AJ had left for a local club together. Why wasn't he invited? And what was AJ thinking going to a club? Confused and distraught, he decided on the only thing that he knew would help. It had been awhile, but he couldn't care less. Why be a better person when everyone else thought otherwise? He left and found himself in a club somewhere. He got himself wasted, and if it hadn't been for Mark, his bodyguard, he wouldn't have thought of going back to the hotel.

"You have your curfews Nicky, don't start this on the wrong foot." Mark had reminded him. Like the good boy he used to portray in the past, he relented.

And now, at two in the morning, he was alone in the suite again. The sadness never did left.

His gaze dropped to the coffee table in front of him, and a white envelope caught his attention. He took it immediately and found his name written on it. He wouldn't be surprise if the letter was from his brothers, telling him that they had decided to move to another studio somewhere across the country without him.

Half-heartedly, he unfolded the piece of paper and read the printed letter.


If you're reading this, that means you're in your suite. Which means, it's two in the morning since you wouldn't be so stupid as to break that curfew. I hope you're not too drunk on your ass to read this Nick, cause this is not a joke.

You must be wondering who am I right? And how this letter ended up in your room? Security hasn't been too tight lately. Maybe they too, are beginning to think that they're as invincible as you think you are. Well, newsflash Nick, you're not.

Nick blinked, twice. He wondered if the letter was supposed to make any sense at all or if it sounded meaningless because of the fact that he was drunk. He never thought of himself as invincible. Shaking his head in hope to wear off some of the drowsiness, he continued.

This is not a fan letter.

And guess what's more shocking than that?

I can see you from here.

"What the hell…" He got up from his seat and went straight to the window that was hidden behind a heavy set of cream coloured curtains. Drawing the curtains back a little, he peered outside, only to be greeted with the busy road down below. Being on the 24th floor, no other building that was facing the hotel reached that high.

Ah, don't bother looking around, you won't find or see me. But I can see you, clearly. Don't bother with the curtains Nick, it won't help much from where I am right now. And my advise to you is not to switch on any of the lights, it will trigger off the bombs I had set up in that room. If you have already did it though, it means you have fifteen minutes and counting. The bad news is Nick, there is nothing that you can do now. Don't bother about calling security cause it would be too late for them to do anything now. One click of the door, and you will set off the first bomb. And on that note, make sure you lock it Nick, you wouldn't want to have someone open it from the outside now would you?

His mind was swirling. A mixture of fear and being drunk. His hands were trembling as he made his way to the door, locking it from the inside.

"Who could have done this?" He asked out loud. What a way to die, he thought. He couldn't tell the guys what he really felt, or tell them of how sorry he felt that they had to feel that way about him going solo.

Locked it yet? Knowing you, I bet you did. Good boy Nicky.

One more reminder before we move along. Don't bother searching for anything in your room, or the restroom or anywhere else. You are wasting precious time if you do. You will find nothing, believe that much. And no matter what you do to try and hide yourself, I can see you. Clearly. But don't give up just yet.

Just concentrate on this letter and it might just save your life. Bear in mind, the word here is 'might'.

Nick stood in the middle of the room, not daring to move. He could see him and this had him paralysed in fear. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, he forced himself to continue.

Are you freaked out yet? You should. I am not an obsessed fan. I am not your stalker. I am not a crazy lunatic. I am your worst nightmare. And you know what sucks even more? You're not waking up from it Nick, cause it's for real.

Why am I even doing this? Easy.


Wouldn't expect that from anyone huh Nick? You are after all, a successful young man. There are not many twenty-two year olds out there who could tell the entire world how fucking rich they are. But you could. Why would anyone hate you right? Stick around Nicky, and I'll tell you.

You think just because you're a Backstreet Boy, you could get away with it, right? See Nicky, I think you're beginning to grow into one of them rich, spoilt, teenage celebrity. You think you're so god damn huge and popular that I don't stand a chance next to you.

Guess what Nicky? You are so damn wrong.

Those girls who camped outside where ever it is you're staying just to see you, they don't know the real Nick Carter. The guy whose ego is bigger than his head. You gave them that smirk of yours all too often Nicky, even a blind man could see how fake it is. But No…these girls couldn't see that, because you're such a good actor. You've always been a good actor Nicky, I'm not gonna deny that fact.

But tonight, the acting will stop.

You think those tattoos you have on your body are going to make you look tough? You think just by having them you're gonna look cooler than that stupid shit of a friend of yours, AJ? Think again. Nothing you do could ever erase the fact that you were and still are, that skinny, blonde, blue-eyed boy who got bullied around in school. You may have worked out a lot, I can see those muscles now, but inside, you know who you really are.

You're a lost boy Nicky.

Let's talk about the image now, shall we? Let's talk about the pranks you always pull off on your other four Backstreet Bastards. What were you thinking when you did all those things to them Nick? You think it's funny to have someone woke up and found their hair suddenly a bright pink? Or that you exchanged some hair wax with mashed potatoes? Or that one time when you spilled coffee over some scribbles only to tell them that it was the original piece for the lyrics to a new song?

You think that everyone loves the prankster right? You feel proud cause they keep calling you the Prankster of the group. It feels good to be someone. It made you look cool right? Nicky, you got to learn something. Being 'cool' is not something that you have to achieve, it was born with you. And you my boy, were not born with it.

You don't even talk right. You keep messing up lines and no one is more blonder than you when you made that 'Norway is in Sweden' statement. Those expensive clothes that you wear, your hair dresser, your stylist, the people behind the lens, they were the ones who made you look cool on the cover Nick. Take all those things away, and what are you then?


Now that you know why I hate you, I'm going to finish this job. You will never leave this room again Nick. And when you do, it will be in a body bag. No one will be allowed to see you again cause no one would even want to. I am going to mess that pretty face up real good and take that smirk away from you forever. I will cut out all your tattoos and paste it on the wall, it will make an ugly piece of wallpaper.

By the time I'm done with you, not a single space in this room will be left unstained with your blood.

Don't even try running Nick. You can't get out of this.

Here's the deal Nicky. Take a look around you now. Did you see that basket full of goodies on the table? And that silver clock hanging on the wall right above the fireplace? The two speakers on each corner of the room that is connected to the stereo system? Well my man, those are hidden video cameras and microphones. And when you became the good dog that you are and locked the door like I told you to, you set the entire system up.

"Fuck!" Nick cried as he turned towards the door. He had sealed his own fate. How could he be so naïve? How could he listen to the only person who wanted him dead? He rushed to his room and grabbed the hotel's phone only to find it disconnected.

"Okay, calm down Nick, calm down!" Nick told himself loudly. He was in tears and the soft pounding in his head warned of an incoming headache. He rushed out of the room and strained his eyes in the darkness; switching the lights was out of the question.

He could be anywhere…the little voice told him.

"Cell phone! Yes, I can use that." Nick mumbled and fished out his cell phone from the back pocket of his jeans. His fingers dialled for Brian and waited as the phone rang.

"Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!" Nick cried. The line kept ringing but Nick was not about to give up. He knew Brian would be in his room, he had told him so. His eyes drifted back to the letter as he waited for Brian to answer.

Right now Nicky, in the room next to your suite, nine people are watching your every move. Nine people whom you have in the past, made their lives 'interesting' by being the victims of your dirty pranks. Right now, Nicky, they are laughing. And the bad news is, they are planning on putting up this video with your scared shit face and this letter on the Backstreet Boys Official Website.

"What the fuck?" Nick said softly as he pulled the cell phone away from his ears, not even caring to hang it up.

Yes Nick, the meeting with Management, our heated 'conversation' in the studio, AJ and Howie going to the club, all a set up bro.

You can turn on the lights, no bombs will be triggered. We only need the room to be dark cause someone bought a night vision cam instead of the normal one. (That'd be Kevin…who would have thought?) You can get out of the room since no bomb was actually planted in the first place. But it would be too late to stop us now.

Happy April's Fool.

It's a payback Nick.

Love you Prankster,
Your brothers and the bodyguards.

Drafted by all of us and typed neatly by Brian (I'm the only one with the patience around here…). So what do you think Frack? Tell me, how does it feel for you to be on the other side of the joke? Haha…we got you bro!

The room was silent, as it should be. But now, he could hear something else. If he really concentrate like he had right now, he could hear it even clearer. The faint ringing of a cell phone. The muffled laughter of grown ups acting like five year olds. If he smash the wall, the laughter would turn out into roars. Satisfied roars of his brothers and bodyguards.

All these pain, all these fears, for a joke? He never thought they could pull off such a thing.

"You fucking assholes!" Nick yelled and he heard the muffled laughter grew.

"Oh yeah, laugh! We'll see who gets the last laugh!" Nick yelled as he ran out of the room. The door on the next room burst open and out came his brothers. At the sight of a raging Nick, they screamed in unison, reminding Nick so much of the Backstreet's Back video. He laughed as he watched them scrambled in all direction, trying to escape his wrath.


"You think he's mad?" AJ asked as he paced the small studio nervously.

"Come on, he's the prankster, he won't take it too hard." Kevin reasoned.

"But those words, think it's too harsh?" AJ asked, still unconvinced.

"Well, aren't you the one who insist on writing those?" Howie frowned.

"Brian's the one who typed it!" AJ pointed out.

Brian looked up from the newspaper he was reading and raised his eyebrow. "That's it, blame it all on the guy who has the patience to type it out."

"Guys?" All four men turned towards the voice, only to find Mark poking his head in the studio. "Is it safe to come in now?"

"If you're wondering if Nick is here, then the answer is safe." Kevin replied.

"We wouldn't be standing if he's here." Howie laughed.

"Ah well, I don't know where Nick is, but he left this in his room, it's for you guys." Mark replied as he passed the white envelope to Brian.

"See? I told you we've gone too far! He's offended and now he's gone! Gone!" AJ cried.

"Okay AJ, no need to go Nysnc on us now!" Howie giggled.

"I'm serious okay? How could you even laugh?" AJ frowned.

"Will you stop it AJ? Sit down and I'll read." Brian said. AJ grumbled under his breath and flopped down next to him on the sofa. "Good. Now listen."

To my brothers and our bodyguards,

You had me man. To be honest, I'm impressed. A lot. Just so you know, no hard feelings whatsoever. I'm just whacked that you guys pulled something like this on ME. Me, THE Prankster.

However, a little pointer from the expert himself…What you did was plant some gadgets in my room and wrote a letter. Good work, but you lack creativity. Something that I'm good at, might want to take that road back down to memory lane and visit all those times when you were caught in my traps. I have a good, thick resume for that. FYI guys, I like the 'stupid shit of a friend of yours AJ' and 'your four other Backstreet Bastards'. Insulting yourselves much? And oh, my tattoos, they're cool, so SHUT UP!

Nick is still the best prankster around guys, what you did just drive this young man into cooking up more ideas to get back at you all.

I work alone, I make no noise, when I come to you, it will be definite Kaos. Watch your step, watch your back, keep a look out for my traps. Better make a run cause you know what's gonna go down.

What was it again guys? Oh yeah-

It's a payback, don't sweat about it.

Your spoilt, damn rich brother ( it's 'the cute, nice and friendly guy' to the fans),
Nick Carter

Ps: I'm down at the bar right now, having my breakfast. Being the successful solo artist that I am, I'm not coming in to the studio today. You have two choices though. Record the damn songs on your own or join me for a proper reunion breakfast. I'll be waiting. And just so you know, I might not be planning any pranks today. Bear in mind, the word here is 'might'. (Sounds familiar? Hehe…)

Brian shook his head as he folded back the letter. The smile on his face was evident for everyone to see.

"That's good right?" AJ asked.

"Yes AJ, it's good." Howie replied, letting out a soft laugh.

"I say we go for that reunion breakfast." Kevin exclaimed.

The guys nodded and walked out of the studio. Mark already had the elevator waiting for them.

"If we had been any smarter, we would know that we're walking into his trap again right?" Brian said. "I mean, Mark waiting on the elevator for us…that's too suspicious."

"There's only one way to find out now." Howie replied nervously.

AJ rolled his eyes and sighed. "Ten damn years and some things just never change…Payback sure sucks."

The End

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