
*\/\/\ AJ's POV /\/\/*

“Howie! Are you okay?” I yelled into the phone even before I could hear his voice.

“Well hello, Mr. Mclean..” I recognized the voice, it didn't belong to Howie.. It was Jay. Jay had Howie's phone.

“Did you miss me? I guess not.. well I just called to tell you a few things you might want to know. First of all.. This is no longer revenge, it's a game. We have took revenge for our sister, now its all for pleasure.” Pleasure?? He think this is fun?? He likes this?? What kind of man is he?? “Second of all, rules have changed.”

“Changed? What do you mean changed?”

“Take it easy Rebel. Don't take it too easy though.. at least no longer than 24 hours”

“What are you talking about??” I yelled into the phone.

“Let me put it this way, you have two choices, go to the police and tell them what's happened, but when you have them convinced, it might be to late for your friends. This leads me to the second choice, you can try to find them before the time limit is over.”

“Time limit?”

“Ah.. I almost forgot. Your friends Kevin and Howie.., who by the way don't have much longer left.. is inside a building here a place you don't know.. and the whole thing is covered with explosives... if it takes more than 24 hours.. BOOM.. Backstreet pieces all over. Your choice. Make a quick decision. Tick Tock.”

“Wh...” Jay had hung up. I turned over to Brian and Nick and started talking.

**Back in the bank**

The whole place was a mess, the cashiers and customers were crying, a guard was being sent to the hospital and there were police everywhere.

“Miss Gellar, what happened exactly?” The detective asked the cashier Brian had robbed.

“It... was Brian..” The girl cried.

“Brian? A boyfriend of yours?”

”No.. Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. It was only three of the boys, they usually are five.. He was all sad, and then he passed me this note.

“What is this?” Detective Jones unfolded the piece of paper and read.

“My friends Howie and Kevin is being held hostage in Howie Doroughs cabin, we have to make this robbery to help them. They are in a really bad shape and needs medical help. Brian.”

“Okay people listen up! I want this guy Howie Dorough's cabin address ASAP! The rest of you, gear your men up, we're going to raid the place and we might have a hostage situation! ” …or just a stupid runaway strategy...

**Howie's POV***

“Damn it Kevin! Come on help me with baby names.. or maybe we could find out what kind of colour their rooms should have? Pink if its a girl? Or maybe something more untraditional? Like green? Fits for both girls and boys..” I yawned, I didn't like to admit it, but I found it hard to keep awake myself, I couldn't pretend like it wasn't so. I was getting really sick. Kevin was only half awake, but when they moved him he woke a little up again.. wasn't that good? There are so many questions, but not a single answer. Help.

**Brian's POV**

Shit.. Shit.. Shit.. SHIT!! As if the call from Jay hadn't done this situation worse enough.. I could hear police sirens a little away.. but they were coming closer.. We have to get away.. we wont have time to explain everything to the police..

“Guys.. we have to run.. the police is coming..”

“Isn't that a good thing?” Nick asked, he was struggling to keep standing.

“Not now. We have to find Kevin and Howie first” AJ replied.

“We must run” I just repeated. This was one of those moments I truly admired Nick, even though he had been shot and probably was in immense pain, he managed to run, the snow that already was on the ground and the snow that was falling from the sky, didn't make the run much easier. But Nick managed with his wounded leg, never again will I call him a baby.

We continued running until we came to a forest, pine trees all over, wouldn't be easy to find us here.

“Listen.. I think we should split, one of us runs at the right edge, one on the left and one just right through this forest.. then we will meet on the other side, and if any of the bad guys find us, they won't catch us all” Nick said.. Nick, whoever said you were stupid, must hit their head..

**Jones' POV***

“Okay guys.. go in slowly. There might be armed guys in there... NOW!” I could see my men crash down the door and run inside, guns raised. I heard them rummaging around there, but after a while they came out again.

“Sorry sir, no trace of them”

“Get a warrant out for their arrest now. I want it televised on every God damn TV station! Suspects armed and dangerous, proceed with caution. We will get these guys. They will know that messing with Jones ain't a good idea!”

“Yes sir.”

**Aaron's POV**

“Angel come on! I wanna watch this show!” I yelled to Angel who tried to switch program.

“No Dufus, you can watch it later!” She replied. Argh! Why do sisters have to be such a pain in the butt?

“Aaron Charles and Angel Charisma Carter will you two stop arguing NOW?” Mum came yelling.


“No but, find out this argument like two civilized...” All of us stopped when we saw the picture of Nick on the news, Nick and all the others.

The newsman started talking “Three hours ago, Nickolas Carter, Brian Littrell and Alexander McLean robbed a bank, the three boys known from the successful popgroup Backstreet Boys, were armed with guns. The police has at the moment no idea of where the boys are, if you know something please call your local police station, the boys are armed with guns and is considered dangerous.”

Never has Angel and me been in the same room with such a silence. Mum was just standing and staring at the screen. I have never seen her that way, so pale, it was like she didn't believe it. But just as she was about to talk again, we got to see a film from the surveillance camera in the bank. Out of instinct I pushed the record button on the VCR. It was indeed my brother holding a gun. Mum shrieked when she saw him getting shot. I think I screamed too, cuz dad came running down the stairs.

“What the hell?” He asked and looked over at us.

“Look at the screen.” Mum said and dad did. My brother was robbing a bank.

Suddenly the phone rang and I ran over and picked it up, since no one else looked like they were able to move.


“Aaron, it's me Pollyanna. Did you watch the news just now?” Howie's sister was so different from the usual happy voice.

“Yes” I didn't know what to say more.

“I can't get Howie to pick up his phone” She had started crying now.

“They didn't do it.” I just said, and motioned to my mother to come and pick it up.

“Pollyanna” I didn't listen much more, just walked over and looked at the piece I had recorded. Again. And again. And again.

**Nick's POV**

I got to run straight through the forest, that was the shortest way, and with my leg I would be at the other place almost the same time as them. It hurts so bad in my leg, but who am I to complain, what about Kevin and Howie? I just continued running, looking down in into the ground, it was easier to run that way. Didn't feel as dizzy then. Therefore I didn't see the group of people before I ran right into one of them. I fell to the ground and tried to protect myself with my hands. It had to be the bad guys.

“Are you alright?” I heard a concerned woman's voice ask. I looked up, it couldn't be them.

“Nick?” A girl suddenly asked. I turned my face towards her. “Mum.. It's Nick Carter” The girl ran to my side and looked at me.

“What happened?” Now the others also came over towards us.

“He is bleeding” The man said, the woman stroked my hair

. “I don't have time. I have to go! The others need me!”

**AJ's POV**

I stood at the end of the forest, waiting for the others. First now that I had stopped I could feel how nauseous I was. I bent over and threw up. Yummy, wonder what fans had said if they saw me now.

“Aj, are you alright?” I could hear Brian ask me.

“As good as I could be”

“Where is Nick?”

“I dunno, he'll be here soon. Won't he?”

“I sure hope so” Brian said concerned. I stood up again and looked around. Suddenly we saw a group of people coming towards us. Two men, a woman, and a girl.

”Bri, look” I said still trying to catch my breath. Suddenly one of the men waved, a familiar guy. Nick.

“It's Nick” I said, “But who are the others?” A girl came running towards us, she was about fifteen years old.

“Are you okay?” She asked worried. Nick came limping up next to her. He smiled a little.

“I found help” He said. Now the woman and man also came up to us.

“They know everything, but they want to help” Nick said. God Nick, I could kiss you!

“I think it's better to get you inside our cabin a little, to let you get your strength back, and change your bandages.” The man said. “Oh by the way, my name is Ethan and this is my wife Rebekka and this is my daughter Yana.” Okay AJ come on smile, you can do this smile! But no such luck, I got nauseous again. I bent down and threw up again.

Silence, no one said a thing. After a while I managed to get up again, and with a lot of help Nick and I managed to move forward. Brian was just walking next to us, pale.

**Howie's POV**

I have used all my energy to keep Kevin with me, but soon I will fall asleep myself. Suddenly a door creaked, I looked up and saw Jay standing there.

“Well hello, are you tired? Looks like your friend is too.” Jay sat down next to me, and picked up my hand. Suddenly he grabbed a finger, and I knew what he would do. CRACK! Pain. He lifted another finger, and also that one he bent backwards. CRACK! It hurts, but at the same time I can feel it, it's getting so far away. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!... All my fingers, the sickening sound was worse than the pain, but then he started moving them around, and that was a pain I never felt like again.

“See, I can be nice. Now you are awake again.” Jay smiled and walked away.

**Nick's POV**

It seemed like eternity before we got to the cabin, Yana and Ethan helped me to walk, and it helped on the pain, but right now I was thinking so much about Howie and Kevin, they had 24 hours. But even though the bad guys had given them so long, I'm not sure mother nature would. Kevin was already fading away when we left, and that was a while ago. Please let them be alive. We saw a thin line of smoke coming from a cabin a little ahead, there it would be bed, and clean bandages.

“So Mr. Carter. What have gotten you into a situation like this?” Ethan asked.

“I.. there.. it's a very long story..”

“You can tell us when you want to, if you want to” Rebekka said.

“Thank you” Aj said even more hoarsely, he started to look really bad, and I hope it is just my imagination. Ethan opened the door and helped us inside, Brian followed next. He is so different from what I am used to, he seems to be completely out of it.

**Kevin's POV**

I can't keep it going much longer, I don't have much strength left. But I have to, for Howie he is fighting so hard to keep me awake, for Kristin, and for my son or daughter. I don't want him or her to grow up without a father. I just wish I could say something to Howie, I can't speak, I know that if I try to I won't be able to take another breath. When they moved me it hurt so bad, it felt like my body was ripped apart, but now I don't feel anything, I'm just tired, I just want to sleep. No Kevin. No sleep, stay awake.

**AJ's POV**

I sat down on the couch in the cabin, before I ran out again and threw up, just water, I don't have anything left in my stomach, how long has it been since I have eaten? Days?

“Alex, are you okay?” Yana walked up next to me.

“As good as possible, in a situation like this.”

“Where is Howie and Kevin?” She suddenly asked, helping me back inside.

“Cabin 22”

“Cabin 22? There's no Cabin 22 around here.”

“What?” The blood in my veins froze, no cabin 22, where the hell are they then?

“Do you mean warehouse 22?”

“It must be.”

“Come on, mum is making food for you, then we can change your bandages and we might have some better clothes for you.” I sat down in a chair and Yana sat down on the other side of the table. I looked over at Brian, shit he is looking bad.

“Bri!” No reply. “Brian!” I yelled over to him, finally he seemed to react.

“Sorry Bone.” He said, and then he almost faded away again.

”Come on! Brian, talk to me!” I stood up and walked over to him, then I did the only thing I knew at the moment. I slapped him. It helped and now some of the color returned in his face.

“Thanks J, I need that.” Brian replied, somehow sarcastic.

“Anytime bro.”

I couldn't eat much, but just the little I got helped, I would probably throw it up sooner or later, but it helped. I glanced over at Nick and then at Brian, they looked so lost, so scared. I wonder if I looked like that too. I didn't realise that I was finished eating before Ethan stood next to me and holding out a clean sweater. I took it and thanked him, it would be so good to get out of these clothes.

I don't really know how it was possible, but I fell asleep quickly, silently.

**Aaron's POV**

This night had turned out to something I never would be able to imagine, Leighanne, Kristin, Pollyanna, Denise and Sarah had come over to our house, and together the grown up sat and talked. The television was constantly on, everyone hoped for news, just so they could know something more.

Mum had ordered pizza for me and my siblings, but I can't say that I could eat much. I was just sitting and poking it with my fork. Nick should have been here, he should have been here and eat pizza with me. God! The fortune teller, she had been right, but she also said that.. that they all would get killed... Tears filled in my eyes and I dropped the piece of pizza I actually was holding straight onto the floor. Someone turned over and looked at me, I don't really know who, it was all beginning to be a blur now.

”Aaron?” I felt someone shaking me.

**AJ's POV**

I woke up with a ray of light straight into my eyes, it could almost be a normal day. But the pain in my stomach was so bad, and the nausea was already welding up inside. Not a regular day. Shit! For how long had we been sleeping? Had it been over 24 hours? Is... is... Kevin still alive?

I sat up at once, which was a really bad idea, since I already was feeling bad. I looked around in the little room where we had slept, Brian was laying there completely silent, once again with that weird far away looking gaze. Nick was whimpering softly in his sleep. How the hell did we end up in a situation like this?

Suddenly my cellar rang again, and I quickly picked it up so the others wouldn't wake up, we will need all the energy we can get today.

“Tick Tock, Mclean. Tick Tock” Dre's voice said. Then he hang up, and I jumped out of the bed, I woke up Nick and Brian. We couldn't wait much longer, seconds counted.

**Kevin's POV**

It was silent now, not a sound. Howie seemed like was starting to fade to, during the night I could hear him sob, and mumble things in delusion. Howie, we will pull this through. I hope.

**AJ's POV**

We dressed in the outside clothes we had gotten from Ethan, and before we went outside, I put a bunch of the money I had on the table, Maybe I wouldn't get the chance to repay them later.

“Are we ready?” Brian asked, almost uncertain himself, as we tried our best to sneak out of the cabin.

“Does it really matter?” Nick replied. So true.

“Okay then.” I said and so we embarked on our life and death search for our two dear brothers. The only thing that was playing in my throbbing head was the words 'tick tock' repeating itself over and over again.


He ignored the burning sensation that had started to flare up his left leg. The fear he had felt after hearing the first of the many gun shots like ripping open his chest. He was running for the cover of the trees, each breath stolen from the fear that was choking him. It took all his will power not to turn. To make himself believe that nothing, nothing could possibly be behind him.

And yet there it was, the faint sound of another set of gun shots and the distant laughter that seemed to mock his every move. His left leg felt numb and he knew he had to give up running. Taking cover behind a rather huge tree, he stopped to take in gulps of air. No longer able to hold his own weight down, he crouched, his head fell against his chest, his heart pounding like a pneumatic drill. He was literally soaked in sweat.

He couldn't quite comprehend what had just happen. They were lost in their search for the warehouse and had found themselves back in the forest where they had been to the day before. He remembered saying that they should have gotten a map when he heard the threatening sound of bullets torpedoed towards their direction. Hell broke loose and he found himself separated from his brothers in the split second when panic hysteria overcame them.

He tried recalling of the direction his brothers might have taken but couldn't. All he could remember was getting away from being an open target, his legs had taken control then and he remembered the run toward the darkness, the panic like some uncut drug speeding through his veins on its way to stopping his heart, remembered the sound of Jay's voice behind him, counting down the mortal second.

Yes, he remembered now, it was Jay, the guy who had held his brothers captive. Why was he here? Had he been studying their every move from a far?

“I didn't say anything about not making your search for your brothers easy now, did I?” He jumped at the sudden intrusion of the voice, invading his thoughts. The icy fear he thought was gone now gripped his heart once again. His eyes coming face to face with a gun pointing towards his head.


“Run!” When AJ had shouted his orders, Brian didn't need a second push to do it. He ran like he had never run before. He was older, wiser and yet he succumb to the young tattooed man and followed his lead. He was very much alert than him even though the young one had taken more beating to his body than he had. In the moment of pure confusion and panic, his attention drew on the thin line of red that was trickling down at the back of his brother's head.

“Come on Rok!” I'm running damn it! He heard himself said somewhere in his disorientated mind.

“They're coming for us Rok! We have to run fast!” AJ whined. Only his peculiar state of emotions and most unusual feeling of exhaustion kept him from disapproving.

His thoughts suddenly attention towards his limping brother. The last time he remembered, he was walking next to him. He slowed down his pace and turned back. No Nick.

“Where is Nick? He's not with us!” Brian shouted.

“Damn it Brian, just run first!” AJ shouted. Brian turned to fasten up his pace, he knew that he had no choice but to find solace before worrying about his lost brother. Something caught his right foot, causing him to slid, stumbled and splattered onto the snow-covered ground, hitting hard and twisting his leg under him. He yelled out a stifled scream that managed to caught AJ's attention.

Without hesitation, he came back for his fallen brother, pulled him to his feet and guided the both of them to safety. A bullet missed his head by the inches. They found a boulder large enough for the two of them to hide Brian immediately sank to the ground, grabbing his aching ankle.

“You okay Bri?”

“AJ, the gun! You have the gun!” Brian urged him, ignoring his question. Realizing that, he reached out for the gun embedded in between his jeans at the back of his waist and yanked it out. He creep his head out a little, inspecting the scene in front of them. Whoever was shooting had ceased fire.

“Look for Nick, J, he's not far behind I'm sure.” Brian gasped.

His eyesight was getting blur from the previous hit but he strained, hoping to find the figure he was expecting to see. It didn't took long to find him. However, the picture was something that he wished didn't see.

It was Jay, the guy he personally would love to kill under such circumstances, aiming his gun right at the center of Nick's forehead. He momentarily froze on the spot. What if he dared to pull that trigger? He wouldn't have enough time to get to his brother.

“Did you find him?” Brian asked.

That seemed to yank him out of his daze of indecision and he raised the gun up and aimed. “Dear God, please don't let me be a killer.”



Paralyzing fear had gripped me at deadlock. What was I to do when a gun is being pointed on my head? It only takes a single finger to pull the trigger, it would take less than a fraction of a second to end my life. How fragile life can be. I realized something today. Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.

“Don't make it any harder than it is, you want me, just kill me, Now!” I shouted. My comment only brought mocking laughter from the bastard. Oh man, this is gonna be difficult.

“I wish I have a camcorder with me right now Nick.” He taunted me.

“You wish.” I replied, trying to put up a brave front. I'm sure I failed miserably though.

“Well, I'm still gonna enjoy this though.” He smirked and aimed the gun once again. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable to happen. I pictured my mom and the state of desperation she would suffer when my body is discovered.

Then, the familiar gun shot rang through the tense air.

I jerked from the impact, shocked shot through my entire body. I opened my eyes and realized that I am still very much alive. Had he missed his target? That can't be, I'm just inches away from him. Another shot rang through the air and I saw Jay running for cover. There was too much going on at the same time, I had difficulties grasping the events that were unfolding in front of me. I was frozen in place.

“Nick! Get your ass right here NOW!” I heard AJ yelled. If it wasn't for the state we're in, I would have his head smacked.

AJ's yelling had helped. It brought me out of my daze and feeling my body's gratitude at being free to run at last, I ran. Jay had stopped his pursue on us. The exchange of bullets stopped. I met with Brian crouched behind the boulder, his face contorted to a master piece of human pain.

“Wassup with you?” I asked. Realizing that it was a bad idea to squat down with a bullet embedded in my leg, I got up again.

“Sprained my ankle.”

“That's like the third time.” I pointed out.

“I'm gonna be crippled before I turned forty.” I replied.

“Well, at least this time you didn't get it while dancing.”

“We have to get going, he's not going to let us go this easily.” AJ reminded us. Just the thought of the bastard hanging around somewhere not far from here with a fully loaded gun aiming towards one of us encouraged Brian and I to get going.

“Where are we heading to?”



You know, I've seen and heard about this haunted castle in England called the Chillingham (appropriate name by the way) and they have this place called the torture chamber where hundreds of years ago, prisoners were kept here by a ruthless ruler and tortured so inhumanely that no one who entered it ever comes out. Well, I feel like that right now.

He broke all my fingers and the pain has invaded my entire body. I can't pull myself up by using my hands anymore and with the fever running it's awful course, I can't even begin to get myself up. “Damn those fools!” oh oh, someone's mad.

“Wassup with you?”

“That freaking tattooed guy almost shot me!” Was he referring to AJ? Oh God, are they trying to get to us? So my message got delivered after all!

“Where are they now?”

“In the forest. Blue is on his way now.” Oh no! Are they going to hunt them down now?

“They have five hours left, let's go back to the cabin and watch from there. I don't wanna be anywhere in here when this whole damn place blow up.”

Did he just say this place is gonna blow up? Shit.



“Almost twelve hours ago we received news that three fifth of the Backstreet Boys was caught on tape robbing The Olsen Bank. And so far, we have no news of where the other two remaining Backstreet Boys are. We know that die hard Backstreet Boys' fans are worried all over the world and it is just logically impossible that the boys could actually rob a bank at their own accord. So to clear things up, we have Aaron Carter, Nick Carter's younger brother, to talk to us shortly after the break, I'm Carson Daly, join me next, live in the studio.”

The director signaled the 'off air' sign and the worried line that he was trying to hide now creased evidently on his forehead. The hundred lucky fans who managed to win passes for the exclusive interview were fidgeting restlessly. He had talked to their families and was disturbed by how distraught they were over the incident. He couldn't imagine having to interview Aaron.

The fans had been informed before hand that due to the circumstances, to give some space for Aaron when he arrived and not to scream too much. They were a great bunch, Carson personally thought. They understood the situation at hand and had promised to give them their ultimate support. Today, viewers are going to see a different side to the BSB fans. They will not be screaming and jumping non stop as usual. The hype surrounding the fans will not make an appearance today.

Suddenly, he caught sight of Aaron making his way to the main floor. Fans stopped their fidgeting and dispersed conversation, the silence was so sudden that he seemed to hear it. Even before he managed to get up from his seat to receive the young man, Aaron already had his hand outstretched for a handshake. Carson secretly admire the boy's etiquette and the fact that he had not forgotten it even in times like this.

“Hey, good to see you again.” Aaron said, throwing what little smile he had.

“How are you hanging in there?”

“I'm alright.” He replied and then faced the fans and gave a little wave and a friendly smile. The fans reciprocated with little waves and some soft 'hi Aaron' and 'we love you guys'. Aaron managed some 'thank yous' and words like 'you guys hang in there' and 'the guys will be alright, don't worry'.

The director gave the signal that they were about to go 'live' again and Carson showed Aaron the maroon velvet single sofa that was next to his seat. Checking his mike one more time and making sure that it was fasten firmly enough, he eased up a bit.

“…and we're LIVE!” the director shouted out his signals. His eyes swung back to the camera in front of him.

“You're with me today with Aaron for an exclusive interview on the disappearance of the Backstreet Boys and their alleged involvement in a bank robbery late yesterday evening.” He diverted his attention to Aaron, who was looking rather serious for someone his age. The last time he had interviewed him, he was fidgeting on his seat and couldn't keep still.

“So Aaron, when was the last time to you saw Nick?”

Aaron cleared his throat. This was a heavy burden for someone as young as him to bear. But he wasn't like any other normal 14 year old boy. He matured two times faster than boys his age because of the nature of his career.

“Actually, I saw him two days ago. He had came for a short visit since both of us have the night free. We went to the fair till late, just sharing some brotherly love. But, you wanna know something creepy?”

Carson's face showed confusion and amazement. “I'm sure we all do.”

“Well, there was a fortune teller tent set up amongst the many tents there and I challenged him to have his future told. You know my brother, he never really dig stuffs like that but I managed to make him do it. And the fortune teller, her name is Mdm Nova by the way, she touched his hands and suddenly she went all crazy.”

“Crazy? You mean she throw stuffs?” Carson asked.

“Oh no. She was ranting stuffs. She called him by his name when we haven't even tell her his name. She warned him not to go up to the mountains and that all five will die and that they will never get to clear their name. I know this sounds crazy to you and some might even think that this fourteen year old boy sure have a twisted sense of imagination to save his brother's ass-sorry about that,”

“We'll let that pass through for now.” Carson joked.

“So anyway, my brother got so mad that he went out of the tent. I asked him later on why was he so mad coz I personally think that she was telling the truth coz she knows his name and I'm very sure she isn't a fan. Then he told me that he and the guys had plans to stay up at Howie's cabin to right new materials for their up coming album. And Howie's cabin happens to be up in the mountains.”

Gasped filled the tensed studio. Even Carson could feel the back of his hair standing up.

“I told Nick to give it some thoughts, that maybe he could convince the guys not to go up there but I know Nick. He wouldn't let something as silly as this to ruin his friends' perfect plan for some chill.”

“I don't know about the rest of you but I'm feeling chilly up here. Look Aaron, for what it's worth, I think you're smart guy, you know very well that it would only do you damage to lie, so I don't think you're lying to us. Now how do you feel when you saw that video footage of the your brother and Brian and AJ in the bank?”

“How I feel? I thought I was watching a movie. My brother finally making his debut. But when I saw his got shot on the leg, it finally hit home. I know they don't do this willingly. It's just stupid. They're millionaires, why would they wanna rob a bank? And then the teller whom Brian and AJ had went to told the police that Brian passed her a note saying that Howie and Kevin are hurt in the cabin. Why would he do that?”

“We heard about that too. But they say that the police had already checked the place out but couldn't find Howie nor Kevin. They've issued a warrant for their arrest.” Carson pointed out.

“I won't be staying there for long if I were the bad guys too. They must have taken them somewhere else. What I'm mad about is that the police didn't seem to think about this. The assume that they're dangerous. I vouch none of the fans will say that. Anybody who have met the guys will never believe they would pull such a stunt. What worries me is that my brother is hurt and that note Brian left said that Howie and Kevin are too. I just hope we find them before it's too late.”

Aaron was about to cry, Carson knew this. So he took it as a cue to move on.

“Okay, we have the tape from the surveillance camera in the bank, let's check that out while we take a break.”

They were off air and Aaron, together with the fans, watched from the big screen the whole scene again. Nick was standing at the entrance, looking rather restless. Brian and AJ were at a stand filling out a form. He assumed this was when Brian had the time to write the note while AJ pretended to scan the area before making the big move. The camera showed the two of them approaching the teller and Brian slipping the note to her before pulling out his gun.

The camera, controlled by someone obviously, knowing what was about to go down, zoomed in on the suspects. Brian looked nothing like a criminal, in fact, he couldn't pass as someone threatening if it hadn't been for the gun in his hand. Then the camera zoomed in on AJ from the back.

Aaron froze. He saw it.

“I have to call the police! Someone get me on the phone to the FBI!” Aaron cried. Releasing unshed tears that he had kept for too long, he looked like an enraged patient from a mental institution, begging to get out.

“What is it Aaron?” Carson asked, trying to calm him down. The fans were alarmed. Scared at the sudden change of their idol.

“I need to talk to the police. They didn't do it! They didn't do it! Tell them I have it on tape! Please, someone, help me!”


**AJ's POV**

Yihaaa! This must be the biggest adventure I ever been too! Being followed by lunatics with guns, two of my brothers nearly can't walk, yeah this is great! See my irony? I walk in the middle of them, supporting them both, but at the same time they are supporting me. They make sure I go straight forward, not from side to side like the world around me seems to do. I'm afraid that this will lead to any mess with my brain, I mean, I might not be the smartest guy, but you know what I mean. But I can't tell them, I have to help them now, have to be strong.

It doesn't help much that I don't know anything about Kevin and Howie too, the place where we are going might be the wrong place. We just have to hope that we have some luck now.

**Aaron's POV**

“What are you seeing Aaron?” Carson asked, trying to calm him down.

“Look at Aj's head! It's stained blood there! Someone must have hit him!” Aaron said loudly, the technician played the scene again, but this time he froze the picture on Aj's head.

“Oh Shit!” Carson suddenly said, “Is the police called yet??”

**Kevin's POV**

Now I'm sure, I wont make it, I tried, but now it's just too much for me. Howie has sunk on the floor, half of his back leant towards the wall, he doesn't look at anything, just stare out into emptiness. Ever since they moved us, I felt so much worse each second, and now I don't have any hope left. I heard the sound of a door closing a little while ago, either one more of them came here, or one of them left. I hope it's the last alternative.

**Pollyanna's POV**

I watched the show from the back, it was the meaning that I was going to get out there after Aaron had been there a while. But right then I didn't care, and I walked out on the scene. My brother, my Howie is hurt.

My eyes darted around for Aaron amongst the growing hysterical crowd. He looked so lost that I just had to hug him. We were the only two souls in that studio who really knew the meaning of desperation.

“What is it Aaron? Why are you like this?” I whispered in his ear.

“They're innocent Anna. They didn't do it. Look, AJ's hurt! Someone has gotta made them do it.” Aaron replied, pointing towards the huge screen and particular at the red blood spot on the lower back of his head.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing not to see my brother there in the footage. At least if he's there, I know that he's alive. But he's nowhere in sight.

**Brian's POV**

We moved forward as fast as we could, and after walking in something that looked like eternity, we could see a building in front of us, a warehouse. With newfound energy we walk faster towards the building. As we came closer we could see that it's abandoned, just the kind of place where the psychotic guys could be. Suddenly a thought erupted into my mind.

“Um… guys, what should we do when we're there? We don't know if the psychos are there” I asked them, and suddenly we all stopped.

“You're right, we need a plan” AJ says, looking at the ground, it looks like he has trouble focusing.

“J, are you alright? Does your head hurt?”

“Yeah it does, but I'll be alright, don't need to think about it now”

”So what do we do?” Nick asked, looking at us.

“Give me your phone AJ” I said and get it quickly, I started dialing a number and waited for someone to pick up. I made a sign to the others to be silent.

“Well hello Dear Brian” I heard Dre answering.

”We give up, we're going back to society”

“What about your 'brothers'?” Dre asked.

“We'll send someone after them, you won't win”

“That's what you think. What you don't know is that the warehouse is hooked up with a bomb, before you get there, small pieces of Howie and Kevin will fly through the air” Dre snickered. It was just the facts I needed, but I continued playing,

“You won't do that, I'm so gonna get you!”

“Big words!” Dre laugh and hung up. Nick and Aj looked at me, wondering what I would tell them.

“They have a bomb somewhere inside there” I nodded towards the warehouse, “And Kevin and Howie too”

**Aaron's POV**

The situation was maybe even worse now, we knew that our sons, husbands, brothers and sibling was in someone violence. And we didn't even know if Kevin and Howie were alive. The police had started looking at the robbery tape again, and had concluded that it was dried blood in the back of AJ's head. Aj is hurt, my brother is shot, we don't even know about Kevin and Howie.

Have you ever been sitting and waiting, just sitting there, waiting for news. Ready to panic each moment, ready to get news, ready to get bad news. Silence. That's the only way I can explain how I felt here. There were some talking, mainly between the grown ups, but still it was a pressuring silence over us. We all jumped shocked when we heard the doorbell ring. Mum was over by the door in under a minute, I followed.

I saw that there was a police man standing there, and I walked closer to hear what they had to say.

”Mrs. Carter, we have been inside Mr. Doroughs cabin..”

”And?” My mother asked

”There has definetly been a act of violence there.”

”What did you find?” She asked terrified.

“I don't think your son should listen to this” The policeman replied looking at me.

“Aaron.. go back to the others..” She ordered. Normally I would have objected, although this time I did as she asked me at once.

**Jane Carter's POV**

“Okay.. what did you find?” I asked the man in front of me.

”We found that the place was pretty much covered in blood. We are running some test to find out the blood type's..” The police man replied.


“we need to know the men'st blood types.”

“Yeah hold on”

“Okay” I walked back to the living room as in a daze. The others looked back at me. “The police need to know their blood types” I told them.

“AJ has type O-neg” Denise replied.

“Kevin has AB positive” Kristin said.

“Howie has B negative”

“Brian has B negative too” Leighanne said. I nodded and scribbled it all down. And then I walked back to the police man.

“Here..” I gave him the note, after a few seconds of silence I managed to asked “What will you find out of this?”

“Who was hurt most.. someone has been bleeding very much.” The police man replied.

“You tell me as soon as you know anything right?” I asked him. At the same moment his cell phone rang.

I could only hear him answer a few things before he hung up.

“Could I come inside a little?” He asked. I slowly nodded too scared to think about what he would say.

The others looked up at me and the police man as I returned.

“Hello, I'm Mr. Meyers. I have some news to tell you.” He said.

“Kids.. go upstairs” I said, not wanting them to hear this.

“Well we tested the blood types and checked towards the information you gave us…”

“And?” Denise asked, not having the strength to wait for an answer.

“To say it pretty.. the cabin was a mess.. there was a lot of blood…. “He started

“From who?” I asked.

“I'm sorry to tell that most of the blood came from Mr. Richardson”

“Oh my God! Kevin!” Kristin broke down in a fit.

”There is a lot of blood.. and there is only a small chance anyone would survive that great blood loss, there were also a lot O-neg… so Mr. McLean is probably hurt pretty bad too.”

“What about Howie?” Pollyanna looked up at the policeman.

“Mr. Dorough?”


”We haven't found much B negative blood there… but the thing is, they have been moved, so we don't know if…”

“if?…” I asked.

”There might be more people hurt too”


Only a few meters of stretched open space layered with ankle deep snow was separating the three of them from their brothers. Even at the state they were in, it wouldn't take long to get there for their strong will of determination overruled everything else. Even the pain.

The short man with the sandy beach blonde hair had just made a breakthrough. They knew what lies waiting for them in the warehouse, the danger that lurks and the state their brothers were in. The tall blonde young man figured that they wouldn't get much resistant from the bad guys considering that they would most probably have not been hanging around in a place loaded with bombs that could blow off at any time. The dark haired young man standing in the middle, with tattoos on his body gaining him the title 'human graffiti wall', was geared and ready to get to their brothers even though he wasn't sure if he could walk a straight line any more.

They have just thirty minutes left to get them out of there and nothing seemed to be on their way. Nothing could stop them now. Well, maybe, except for me.

I've been eyeing them from afar, ever since Jay literally passed the torch over to me. Yes, Mr. Blue is gonna make them pay. I had a clear shot of the tattooed freak guy's head back in the woods but if I had pulled the trigger then, where's the fun right? It won't stop the other two from going on. But now, I have them where I want them. I give them hope, a glimmer of a chance thinking that they're gonna make it. Just a few meters away now, they definitely can do it. But they're wrong. I will make them see that those few meters will feel like the end of eternity.

It's not difficult really. The one they called Brian, he twisted his ankle back in the woods, and the young blonde one, well, what can I say, he might be a crippled after what I'm about to do to him, and the tattooed guy they called AJ, well, he's head is messed up, and I would love to mess him up some more.

I aimed at Brian, right leg twisted, left leg shot. BANG! One down, two to go.

Oh man, the look on their faces, PRICELESS! They're searching for me, but they can't see me. I aimed at AJ, I'm gonna go for his shoulder. I know he has a tattoo at the back, I'm gonna destroy it once and for all. BANG! Two down, one to go.

Young boy, he almost look innocent. Pure fear and helplessness. He couldn't even bend down to help his friends. But I'm gonna help him in that department. I know he had a new tattoo done on his strong leg. It's ugly, I don't like it. And you know what I do with things I don't like? BANG! Three down, mission accomplished.

Good luck suckers, I'm gonna go back now, don't wanna be anywhere near this place when that damn thing blows up. They will NEVER reach them in time now.


~ Brian ~

So this is how it feels like to be shot in the leg. Not a nice feeling at all. How did Nick managed to walk in this condition is beyond my comprehension. Oh Lord, I'm bleeding like a fountain. Eeuw, gross description Brian! Say something that could at least help your self-esteem for once!

I look around us, there's nothing there except for the trees and the warehouse. Oh, and the three of us of course. Even the birds are shying away from this place. But I know someone is out there watching our every move. Okay, stupid observation. That is like, obvious for everyone to see. I mean, of course there's someone out there, who else could have pulled the trigger? My head is messed up, and I'm not even the one who got hit on the head. That makes me wonder what AJ would be thinking right now.

~ AJ ~

Firecrackers? In the middle of nowhere?

No, wait! I'm so stupid! That's a gunshot right? Oh no, anything but that! I'm running low on bullets myself and I don't want to start killing someone! I'm not a killer! Do I look like a killer? Er, well…okay, I look scary but I'm NOT a killer!

“Brian!” Why is Nick screaming like that? Damn it, does he have to shout right in my ear? Is my head not messed up enough? Okay, drifting off again. What was it again? Oh yeah, gun shot…Oh SHIT!

“Brian!” Yeah well, guess that comes out too late huh?

“What the hell happen?”

“Somebody shot him! Somebody's out there!” Frack can really be a wuss and an irritating one at it too.

“Where? I can't see any-” OOOWWW!!!! What the hell hit ME? Oh fuck!


~ Nick ~

This couldn't be happening! Someone shot Brian on the leg and whoever the hell the bastard is had just shot AJ on the shoulder! And I can't even bent down to help them! Shit!

“Nick, get down, cover yourself!”

“I…I can't bend down!” Is the bastard aiming at me right now? Is Brian right? I'm gonna hate him if he's right! I've already been shot, I CAN'T take another one! I'm gonna bleed to death if I –

AAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOWWWWW!!!! Shit! He SHOT me! He SHOT me! My only good leg left and HE SHOT ME!!! How am I suppose to go on like this? Who's gonna save Kevin and Howie?


I swear to God I already have a song I made up in my head for the motherfucka who did this to us! I could even sing it out loud but for now, I'd rather save my breath, seems like I'm gonna need a lot of it today. His aiming, although accurate, did not do much really. He grazed my arm and even though it's deep enough to cause it to bleed like hell, I'm gonna be alright.

Brian don't look so good. Nick is already looking like shit even before this, so I really don't know how he is right now.

“He shot me!” Brian said, surprised. I wonder why he's so surprised by it.

“Hold a sec bro, let me see it.” It was on his calf and I found an exit wound. I took off my jacket (do you have any idea how much that hurts when you just got shot in the arm?) and took off one of the many layers of shirt I had in there. We are running against time. Who knows how much time we have left. I tied the shirt that I had ripped off around his wound. I had placed a clump of hard ice on it to stop the bleeding and it seemed to work. I have a feeling the bastard had left us. If he hadn't, we would be dead by now.

I saw Nick already taking off his own shirt and nursing himself. Poor guy, I wonder if he can still walk now.

“How's the leg Frack?”

“He ruined my tattoo.” Nick replied. His attempt at joke fell through when I saw him cringed. He didn't look like he's dying or anything, so we really have to get going. We have to get Kevin and Howie out, alive hopefully.

And that the building won't blow up before we get the hell out.


~ Nick ~

He had done this countless of times before, there is no reason that he should falter now. 'The Actor', that's what the other guys had called him. The one who hides behind a façade of smile of different shades. Brian had told him that it is that very same smile that had people described him as arrestingly good-looking. But who could actually break that thick wall that he had so victoriously build up in years of hardship to get into the thoughts of Nick Carter and understand him? So far, no one. He had been strong. But now, he began to doubt his own ability.

How could he still be smiling when he was almost certified crippled? When two of his brothers are only meters away from him and fighting for their lives? That he had to keep it together so that all their attention would go to saving them and not worrying for the young one.

Brian seemed strong enough to walk with AJ's help. But maybe that's because he wasn't the one the bad guys had almost drown in water going less than minus zero degree celcius. The cold that he had felt then, it never really did go away. And he had endured the shot leg much longer than him. Running and hiding away with that leg. It had taken a toll on him.

AJ had been something Nick would call amazing. Beaten, hit and shot, he bore it all. That only made him more determined not to screw things up. The way he look at it, they had only one go at this. If they fall apart, they will never make it through.

“Are you sure you're okay Nick? You can always wait outside and keep look out.” AJ asked as he balanced Brian on one shoulder.

“The last time I keep a look out, I got shot. Ain't doing it again.” Nick moaned and started limping his way towards the warehouse.

“Okay then, just tell me when you need to rest alright?”

“Okay.” Nick mumbled. Everything just felt so cold. His legs felt numb and yet the throbbing, pulsating pain growing in both shot wounds was getting to him in full blast.

But through all the reasons, the pros and the cons that he had thought about and played around in his head, no one would have thought or find the root to all his miseries. Not even Nick himself.


~ Brian ~

That's it, a little at a time and we can make it. I know we can. We have to. There is no other way to it. We might be beaten and shot and through hell and then back, but Kevin and Howie are in far much worst condition. It's not the time to be selfish and think about ourselves. It's all about them now. I'd rather die if they didn't make it out. I'd rather be in there and be blown together with them.

The ice ball AJ had stuck to the wound really help to numb the feeling, other than feeling too weak to put pressure on the leg, I will do just fine. We will get through this.


~ AJ ~

This is it. We're standing at the entrance. I can't believe we made it all the way here. Nick had stumbled and fall and at times, I was beginning to doubt if he would ever get up again but he did and I am very proud of him.

Brian had been amazing. Not a single complain came out from that man. When Nick had fell, he would go 'one step at a time Nick, you can do it' and when he heard nothing from me he would go 'how's the head doing J?' Who gets to ask him about his condition then?

“You guys ready?”

“Ready as can be bro.” Brian replied as he tried to stand on his own.

“Let's get this over and done with.” Nick added.

“Okay then, lets find our brothers.”


~ Kevin ~

I have to do something. Something that would keep Howie from giving up. I might not have much time but Howie can make it. He just doesn't have the will to do so. If I could only will myself to talk. Even a whisper would be good. Anything just to give him that glimmer of hope. That not all is lost.

If only….


~ Howie ~

If only we had tried to give Nick a chance to tell us what he felt, this wouldn't have happen. If only we had taken him more seriously and not always treat him like he was still the same 13 year old we met years ago, this wouldn't have happen. If only I had not suggested for the guys to come over to my cabin for some brain storming session, we might still be in the studio recording safely.

If only…


~ Aaron ~

Dear God, you've blessed me by letting me came into this world with another beautiful being. Even in labor, you had put me with a friend. You have never left me alone. You gave me two wonderful people that I call parents. You gave me four wonderful sisters but I have only one brother. Without whom I would never know how it feels like to share brotherly bond with. He is my mentor, my idol, the person I look up to. You have made him turn into such a fine young man and although you put him through tests after tests, he had never lost his faith. Please God, don't take him away just yet. I still need him.

And God, could you please tell him that it's not his fault that this happen. That it's not his fault that he couldn't stop them from going up to the mountain. That it's not his fault that he didn't warn the others of what that fortune teller told him. Please, if I do know my brother well, that would be the guilt that will lead to their deaths.


Chapter Fifteen

~ Pollyanna ~

We were all gathered at the Richardsons' ever since we received news that Kristin wasn't doing well. Who would when your husband had gone missing and you're carrying your first child in your womb and did not had the chance to tell him about it? I think I can relate to her anxieties as I too, had no news of where my brother is now. Were they kept as a guarantee that Brian, Nick and AJ would rob the bank for them? But why did they go for the Backstreet boys? Too much questions and I need some answers right now. Any kind will do as long as I can free some of them off my troubled mind.

“Kristin, can I get you something to eat?”

“I'm not hungry, but thanks Anna.” Kristin smiled weakly as she continued to stare into nothingness at the dining table.

“You have to eat Kristin, for the baby's sake? Kevin would want you too.”

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his name because it only made her cry. But I have to make her eat.


~ Leighanne ~

I walked into the kitchen to get Jane and Denise their coffee. All us girls had been staying up all night worrying about the guys and worrying about Kristin's health. I know for a fact that Bob and all the guys from the family are gathered at the Carter's residence, where the whole action are taking place. I wish I could be there. I really have to know what is going on, but I guess, being here with the ladies really helped me. I guess part of me wish not to be there. Where the tense are always at top notch. I don't think I can take it. Yeah, maybe here, I can built a little haven until we get some news from them.

Kristin was crying again and Pollyanna had been so sweet as to comfort her. I've seen this scene countless of times now. I had even been where Kristin is right now. Crying my eyes out until there is no more left for me to shed. Now I understand what Brian means when he said Nick is built like the Walls of China. I feel so cold and distant, unbreakable. Like you've put so much trials and tribulation in me until nothing could break me anymore.

“Kristin hon, I know what you're feeling right now but girl, you have to take care of yourself okay?” I said as I approached them. Pollyanna gave me a thankful look. I know that she had not met Kristin for a number of occasions, I think she still needs to understand the kind of person Kristin is. To me, Kristin is already a family. I see her almost all the time. I understand her better. It must have been hard for Pollyanna right now. It's been hard for everyone.

“Can I get you anything Leigh?”

“Oh that's okay Anna, I'm just here to get us some coffee.” I replied.

“No, let me do that. You…” She didn't finish her sentence but eyed Kristin. I know she wanted me to comfort Kristin. I nodded.

“How is Sarah doing? She seems spaced out after she saw the blood on AJ's head.” Kristin spoke.

“You're the one to talk!” I teased. “She's coming out of it hon, and you should too, especially you. She left to get us lunch.”

“Oh, I'm sorry, there's really nothing in this house. Kevin and I, we're suppose to shop for our-”

“There's no need to apologize Kristin. We're just glad we could be here to be with you.” Pollyanna said from the kitchen sink.

“That's true Kris, and you, need to eat. I want my niece or nephew to be chubby!”


“Dude, this place is huge, they could be anywhere.” AJ cried as they stepped into the bomb-infested warehouse.

“We should separate, it'd be faster that way.” Nick suggested.

“In our condition?” Brian asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I can go on my own, but I get the short distant.” Nick pointed out with a grin.

“We've got a smart one here J.” Brian joked.

“Cunning more like it.” AJ moaned. “Okay then, it's settled. But don't go too far. Brian and I will go to the left, you check the right.”

Nick nodded and started heading right. Thankful for the many columns, he had used them as a support to get from a point to another. He knew he can't afford to fall, he wasn't sure if he could ever get up again.

The warehouse was like a maze. Turns after turns, corners after corners, the only thing that he could be thankful about them was that it means more walls for him to support himself. Then, he saw it.

The first bomb. The red blinking off warning of its danger. He looked at the time. They had fifteen minutes left. And they had yet to find them.


~ AJ ~

This is getting ridiculous. Brian and I are like joint by the hipbone. I should have make him wait outside, he couldn't go any further from the way I look at it. My shoulder is killing me and having to support him just adds pressure to the burning wound.

The ice had begun to melt furiously, soon, the pressure will get warm again and he will bleed. Even now, I could see faint trails of blood seeping out of the bandage and trickling down his shoe.

“AJ…” Oh no, please don't tell me any bad news, I can't handle anymore bad news.

“What? You need to stop?” I asked.

“Look.” He replied shortly, his finger pointing towards something in front of us. I followed his gaze and found it. One of the many bombs ticking away. Fourteen minutes to dooms day.

“This is fucked up, we can never find them in time!” I panicked. Suddenly, Brian screamed out Kevin's name. I was at a lost for a second. I thought he was going crazy, but then, I realized what he was trying to do. He was calling out to them, hoping that they could respond us back.

“Howie! D! Where are you guys?” I shouted.

“Kevin! Answer me!” Brian screamed again. I wonder if calling out to Kevin was such a good idea. He wasn't even awake the last time we saw him, let alone talk. I wonder how he was holding up right now. If he's even still alive after so long being left without help.


~ Howie ~

Through the pain generating all over his body and the fever that was burning up from the inside, almost boiling his blood and shutting down his brain, he could still hear it. The faint yet distinguishing voice. It was the anecdote for him to stay alive when his heart is telling him to give up.

“Kevin?” He croaked, opening up an eye. Remembering that he was lying on his back next to him and unable to see his face, he waited until he was fully awake, and then pushed himself up to a seating position. Another set of pain went shot up his body. He had forgotten about his broken fingers.

But it didn't matter now. He was already up and he still couldn't believe what he had just heard.

“Did you say something bro? Tell me you just said something to me!” He cried as he lowered himself nearer to the almost lifeless figure.

“Lis…ten…” He thought he heard him telling him to listen.

“Listen? To what? Tell me.”

“Brian…AJ…” Kevin really got his attention now. Did he just hear Brian and AJ in the building? He tried to brush the buzzing sound in his head and concentrate on the silence. He hated it. Silence meant he could hear the bomb ticking.

But there it was, in the far distance, the undoubtedly voices of AJ and Brian, calling out to them. First, relief rushed through him. Finally, the will be saved. There is still hope for the both of them. Then he remembered the bomb and knowing that it's going to blow up soon. That made his smile left his pale face. The others cannot be here or they will get blown up too.

“Brian! AJ! Get out! The bomb will blow! GET OUT!”

*We're coming for you guys! Keep talking!* It was AJ.

“Don't come for us! You have no time! Get out of here while you still can!” He shouted back.

*No! Keep talking! We're getting there!* He heard Brian shouting. There are two of them. If he wanted to be selfish, he would have called out to them to stay, but he couldn't. He wanted to yell out again that they shouldn't have bothered when he realized how stubborn they are. If he were to be in their shoes, he wouldn't have given up too. Brothers to the end, that much they promised.

He turned back to Kevin, he was crying.

“I hope those are tears of joys Kev.” Howie winced as he shifted his body a little.

“I…can't…hear…Nick…” His heart almost stop. He remembered the young one too. Where is he?

“Brian! AJ! You two coming?” Howie shouted.

*Yes! We're coming! Keep talking!*

“They broke my fingers! It sucks!” Howie shouted, hoping that that would come out as a joke.

*Well…we all had our shares of torture!* AJ shouted.

“How's Nicky doing?” He asked, hoping that that would give a hint for Nick to say something if he was even there in the first place. He didn't want to think of Nick already dead somewhere.

*Shot twice…can you believe it?* Brian replied. Howie was fully awake now. How could they have said it so lightly? Are they too delirious to think straight?

He looked at Kevin, he had his eyes closed, tears streaming down furiously now. Howie didn't know what to do.


He heard the conversations taking place and wanted to join in but figured he needed to put all the strength he had left on walking instead. The vibration of the voice reverberating against the wall felt stronger each time, hinting that he was going the right way all the time. It gave him renewed hope and strength to move on.

He looked down and saw the bleeding on both his legs had started again. But the blood that was trailing on the floor was too much to be his. Besides, it was all dried up. He felt confused at first, until he remembered Kevin.

So much blood on the floor and it belonged to Kevin. Come to think of it, he had only heard Howie talking so far, Kevin didn't say a thing. Is Kevin already dead?

He made another turn and finally came to a huge opening. And in the middle, sprawled on the floor, were his two brothers.

“Howie? Kevin!”


~ Howie ~

Oh my God, I can't believe it! It's Nick! He's alive! Something's wrong with him but he's alive!

“Nick! Oh God! Thank God you're here!”

“We're all here D, we'll make it!” Nick cried. I just realized that Nick was indeed shot twice, each on both legs. How he managed to walk all the way here is beyond me.

“Hey, Kev, ya hear that? Our little kid Nicky is here for us, along with the Batman and Robin somewhere.” I joked. Kevin managed a smile. I'm so happy he's finally able to at least talk.

“I can't bend down, how are you Kevin?” Nick asked as he saw him awake.

“I'm….good…” Kevin said in a faint whisper. He wanted to touch his hand, I know, but he couldn't see to reach it. I took his hand and bring it up to Nick, who tried bending down to reach it. I forgot my broken fingers and the moment their hands touched, I had to let go. The pain could almost black me out.

Where are the other two, I can't wait any longer.


~ Brian & AJ ~

“J, look! There they are!”

“No shit! Nick's there too!” AJ cried, almost making a run for it while having Brian still attached to him.

He managed to find another bomb at the entrance, the timer showed '5 minutes'.

“Guys, we have no time for reunion, this place is gonna blow in 5 minutes!” AJ cried. That seemed to get everybody's attention. He let go of Brian, who was trying to get Howie to get up while he went for Kevin.

“Is it safe to be moving him?” Nick asked.

“We don't have any choice. Kev, I don't know what damage I will be doing if I move you, so, will you let me move you?” AJ asked.

“i…just…wanna…live…for…my…baby…” Kevin struggled. AJ understood and carefully, he got Kevin up and rested a hand on his good shoulder. Nick moved in and rested the other hand on his shoulder.

He looked over to Brian. Both he and Howie had their hands on each other's shoulders. Both balancing for the other.

“Okay, we go now!” Brian shouted.

“You ready?” AJ asked both Nick and Kevin. They nodded.

“Let's go!”


~ Kevin ~

It hurts like a bitch. I can barely stand. I had my whole weight supported by them. It's more difficult on AJ as he's shorted, but yet again, Nick was badly injured himself. He kept tripping and the three of us would trip too and it hurts my back. The good thing is, I could still feel my legs, so I'm not paralyzed.

Brian and Howie were doing well too. I noticed Brian got shot on the leg. I wonder how much danger they had been through just to get to us. And I wonder if the bad guys are really gone. I don't even know why they did this to us. I was shot too soon and had been helpless and useless all the way. I can't believe I'm slowing everybody down.

“Shit!” They had stopped. And AJ just curse again. Things are not looking good.

I noticed we had stopped in the middle of a junction. We were faced with two corners. Which one to take?

“Which way Nick? Make it snappy, we have a minute to go!”


~ Nick ~

At first, I felt like killing AJ coz of all the people, he had to ask me. He should have asked everyone in general so Howie and Brian won't be stopping and looking at me expectantly as if I have the answer.

But that's just it. AJ's right, I DO have the answer. It came from nowhere and hit me in the head like a wake up call.

“Right. Always turn right. Remember that.”


~ Brian ~

I don't know where that come from but we followed. Nick had sounded so confident and we were all really just too lost to be doubting his decision. Besides, AJ had asked him specifically. He must have known.

And so, seconds later, we were ten steps away from freedom, and I found myself separated from Howie, and into the arms of the guy in blue. A gun pointing at my head.


~ Howie ~

Damn it! This couldn't be happening! We're so near!

“One move and he gets it!” Blue threatened.

“This place is gonna blow up in seconds! You're gonna get killed too!” AJ shouted.

“No I'm not! This won't take long! I'm gonna kill him first!” And that was it.

He raised his hand, Brian still under his deadlock, his gun aimed perfectly for my chest.


~ Kevin ~

Please, please, please! Miracle happened when they found us, don't take it away now. Please! I wish I could do something. But I could only watch. His finger curled on the hinge, ready to pull.


~ AJ ~

I can't do it. I have the gun but I can't do it. I'm not a killer. I will just aim and shoot somewhere else and fucked up and he's gonna shoot Howie. I will not let that happen.


~ Nick ~

I have no choice. I did this to them. I let them went up to the cabin when I should have warn them. I let myself be swept away by the beauty that I didn't tell them about the fortune teller. But I have done what she advice me to do. I turned right! She told me to turn right!

He motherfucka is going to do it. I know it's not just small talk now. He is going to pull that trigger and Howie will die. I cannot let that happen. And I know I can't let AJ into such a predicament. I know he isn't ready to pull that trigger. I know he isn't ready to kill someone. Who would? But I have no choice. I started this. I should end this.

In one swift motion, I ducked under Kevin, feeling his body slipped halfway. I let it be and I saw AJ struggling to keep him up. He bent down and I saw the gun protruding out from the back. I snatched it, pull back the hinge, aimed and pulled the trigger.


A red spot smacked right in the middle of Blue's forehead. Brian felt the grip on his throat loosen and then saw Blue dropped to the ground. He rushed up to Howie who was about to fall. For a second he thought he was shot. That Blue had pulled the trigger. But then, Howie wasn't bleeding.

He saw Nick coming back to help Kevin, like as if nothing horrifying had ever happen. As if killing a human being had been a norm in his life.

“Thirty seconds left! GO! GO! GO!”

Brian need no second warning. They rushed to the exit and seconds later, found himself and Howie dropped on the cold snow, with Kevin, AJ and Nick not far behind. They were at a safe distance from the warehouse when it blew up.

White changing to flaming red. Like a gigantic furnace, warming them all up from the cold, cold, winter.

He heard the faint ringing of police cars and ambulance intertwined into one beautiful music. He knew that help was finally there. The truth will come out. They will clear their name. With that comfortable thought lingering in his head, he succumb to the darkness for the first time. Knowing that the next time he wakes up, everything will just get better.

AJ looked over at Kevin, the last few seconds of their run he had noticed that Kevin felt heavier, more lifeless.

“Hey Kevin.. are you hanging in there?”

“Aj.. tell Kristin.. I love her…” Then he closed his eyes.

“Kevin!” He bent down trying to shake him back to this reality..

The ambulances and polices arrived shortly after. The paramedics reached them in matter of seconds. In that split second of acknowledging all the victims, fear came to them. None of them were conscious and blood was everywhere, soaking in the pure white snow. The blaze from the fire reflecting on their almost blue faces. Paramedic Henchoz was a rookie on his first call ever. This wasn't something he had expected to handle on his first day of job. What had these five men went through?

“God, help us all.”

Coming Soon

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