A/n: Hi, I realised that the coloured fonts didn’t work as I had expected. Somehow, Nick seemed to be jumping from one colour to another and it was confusing. So I’ve decided that I would write their initials before every conversation. So ‘K’ stands for Kevin, ‘D’ for Howie, ‘B’ for Brian, ‘A’ for AJ, ‘N’ for Nick and ‘V’ for Vinhorian Alni. I hope this will solve the confusions. I’m very sorry about that.

H: Brian, I wish you could stop crying, it hurts even more to hear you like this.

B: I’m sorry Howie, I can’t help it. I want to go back; I want to get away from this. What went wrong out there, how did we end up in this place? I keep hearing my son’s cries Howie, he’s calling for me to come back home.

A: We all want to go back home Rok, you’re not the only one. Can we at least bear this without hearing anymore of your cries? It’s really frustrating as it is now.

K: That’s not necessary AJ, you’re making things worse.

A: Oh yeah? How can I even make anything when there’s nothing? Where the hell are we? We don’t even fucking know what the hell this is!

K: J, try to make amends while you can and stop using the ‘F’ word in here, you really wanna go to hell?

A: I cursed Kevin, I killed nobody, jeez. If I go to hell just because I cursed, then I wish I had killed Lou Pearlman when I was alive!

K: You’re not dead yet AJ.

A: How would you know? Do you even know where the hell we are?

K: I don’t, but I don’t think we’re dead. If we died, I doubt it’d be like this.

A: Well, what do you think it’s gonna be like? Or maybe we can get Brian to answer that since he’s the devoted, religious one. Maybe if we have him talking, he can finally stop crying.

D: It’s not his fault that he misses his kid and wife! I miss my family too! Are you gonna snap at me if I start crying too? What’s wrong with you man!

A: What’s wrong with me? I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me D! My head hurts like a mother-

K: Don’t even think of the ‘F’ word!

A: Shut up Kevin, I’ll say what I damn well please! My head hurts like a mother and I want to get out of wherever it is we are in right now! And if you had even the slightest faith in me Kevin, you’d realise that I didn’t intend to use the ‘F’ word in the first place!

D: We’re all hurting AJ, you’re not the only one, but that doesn’t give you any rights to start snapping at everyone! We have nobody else to help us J, we can’t afford to go against each other too.

B: Where’s Nick? Why does he keep disappearing on us?

D: Ah, you know him Rok, he can never stand still for a second even when his life depends on it. I bet he’s out there exploring or what not.

A: D, did you even hear what you said? There’s nothing here man, NOTHING! How can he be out there exploring when there’s nothing! And what do you mean by out there? Are we IN somewhere? There’s no IN and OUT damn it! There’s NOTHING!

K: You’re gonna burst your head if you don’t stop J.

A: FYI Kev, it feels like someone put my head back together just to blow it all up and then put it back together and blow it all up over and over again. Calming down will not make a difference.

B: It will. I’ll stop crying and you’ll calm down and we will figure things out. I wish Nick was here with us.

D: Hey, maybe it’s a good thing that he’s not here. Maybe not being here means that he’s safe!

A: Or maybe him not being here means that he’s in trouble.

D: J, I don’t need your negative in put.

A: And you need to start realising that hoping for good things doesn’t mean it’ll happen Howard!

D: It makes me feel better.

A: Well I’m glad it’s making you feel better, but we need more than that D, we need to get out of this hell.

B: Maybe this is it. This is hell.

A: Psh! Brian come on, if this is hell, you wouldn’t be here.

D: So we’re in heaven?

B: So Nick’s in hell?

A: If this is heaven then it definitely ain’t worth it Rok. And I bet Nick’s not even in this shit. I bet he’s all fine and dandy!

K: Could you guys stop with this death thing? I said we’re not dead!

H: Back your own words up Kevin, maybe we’ll believe you then.

K: Howie, please don’t do this. I’m having problems as it is with these two.

A: Kevin, I don’t know where we are but this sure isn’t our world, you can stop worrying about us now.

B: Okay, okay, fine. We’re not dead but we’re not exactly alive either. I mean, I don’t think so. First of all, I’ve been talking to invisible Kevin, AJ and Howie and my ex-bestfriend Nick, is missing. We got that covered. Now the question is how am I able to hear and feel you guys but not see you guys? And why nothing on Nick? I don’t know why, but I fear for him.

A: I think we’re in limbo or something guys.

K: Good one AJ.

A: What? You think that’s impossible? Come on, what else can this be! Or do you have a better suggestion Kevin? You are after all the Mr. Know-It-All, let’s not forget that even though we might be in hell right now.

K: No, I mean, that’s really a good one. Like, that could be IT.

A: Oh.

B: Feels weird huh when Kevin agrees with you suddenly?

A: Right back at ya Rok.

D: So you’re saying we’re in limbo of some sort?

K: That’s what I think D.

D: Kevin, what exactly happened before we ended up here? We need to find a way out, my eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of the sockets anytime soon.

B: Yeah, my body aches all over. This sure ain’t heaven.

A: And my-

K: Yes, your head feels like it’s been blown up for the hundredth time, we know that. My legs feel the same way too.

A: Millionth.

K: What?

A: My head feels like it’s been blown up for the millionth time, not hundredth. Your legs are luckier than my head.

K: Sure J, if you say so, it’s your head.

B: Now we have that solved, I ask again, what are we going to do if we really are in a limbo?

A: How the heck should we know? You’re the church boy; you should know what happesn to people when they’re in limbo.

B: I don’t know okay, stop calling me that bone head.

D: You can’t call him that anymore, not after all that pounds he gained. I didn’t think we’d see the day when that happened.

A: Yeah well, Brian gained too, so shut the hell up Howard.

B: Nick seems to have lost a few pounds don’t you think?

K: Guys, can we stop comparing body mass and start thinking seriously? We need to get out of this place.

A: I can help you out there Kev, if I could at least see a tunnel for a start. Didn’t they always say about a tunnel of light when you’re in the middle of, you know, life and death?

D: You watch too many documentaries Bone.

B: Maybe we should think back about what happened. If we’re really in between life and death, what made us end up here in the first place? Maybe that might help.

K: Good idea Rok. Okay, so, we were in a meeting right?

B: Yeah, and then we had a fight or something. I remember Nick walking off.

A: I think he did that for payback.

K: AJ come on, is that really necessary now?

A: Yes! I mean, we walked out on him the last time we had a meeting and this one, he was the one who walked away. I say that’s a payback right there.

K: Okay fine, it was a payback, ya happy?

A: No! I’m not happy that he did that!

K: Well J, there’s nothing you can do about that now, can you?

D: We went for a drive!

K: Thanks D.

A: Right! We went for a drive. All five of us!

A nowhere drive that we didn’t even want to take in the first place!

B: So Nick, AJ and myself rode in the back while you drove and Howie sat shotgun.

D: Right. And I slept.

A: Yeah, I think I slept too.

B: You did. You were snoring.

A: Hey, AJ does not snore.

B: Do too.

A: Do not!

B: Do too, I heard it.

D: So you didn’t sleep?

B: I CAN’T sleep.

D: So you know what happened! You and Kevin know.

B: So did Nick, he was on the cell phone the whole time.

D: And you said nothing Kev? I thought we’re not supposed to have cell phones when we drive anywhere.

K: It was his doctor, something about an appointment.

B: At least that’s what he said.

D: Brian, he’s your best friend.

B: Used to, not anymore.

D: Come on, you know you’re in denial. You can’t stay mad at him forever dawg. I thought you had stuff settled with him.

B: Well, you and AJ aren’t buddies either.

K: Guys, not now. If we can’t get out of here, all of that wouldn’t matter anymore. Do you really want it to end that way? You really want to die and have Nick thinking that you really hated him Rok?

B: If we were to die from here on Kevin, then this is out of our hands. We can’t decide if we live or die.

K: Yeah, but why are we even here? There has got to be a purpose.

D: Then we shall work this out. So the Kentucky cousins were awake the entire time, what happened?

B: I was stuck in the middle of someone snoring and another whispering in his cell phone like it’s the world’s best kept secret, it is therefore safe to say that I was rather busy to notice anything.

A: I don’t snore, liar!

B: Do too!

A: Do not!

B: Do-

D: Shut the hell up. J you snore; it was that loud that I forced myself to sleep so I wouldn’t be able to hear it.

A: But you slept all the way through a bomb explosion D, my snoring is like a lullaby to you.

B: Why all those extra pounds got you thick skinned too.

A: Same to you Brian.

K: Okay, okay, so two of you are thick skinned. One of you snores, the other sleeps like a log while another seems to be having pms. I, on the other hand, am still sane and about ready to solve our problem. So unless you have anything smart to say, shut your hole and listen.

A: Well, since you put it so crudely, I’ll listen.

K: Thanks J, I guess. So anyway, before we got side tracked again, I was about to tell you that there were shots and yelling before I finally lost control of the car and we went down hill from there.

B: We went down hill!

K: Figuratively speaking Brian.

A: So we didn’t like, fall off a cliff?

K: No AJ, we didn’t.

D: There were shots? Like, guns and all?

K: Yeah D.

D: On the road?

K: Yes, on the road, now are you guys still good enough to talk about something less obvious?

A: You’re still anal.

B: That’s obvious too J.

K: Brian, shut up.

A: Oh damn! What if whoever were shooting were after us? Like an assassination?

B: Big word, that swelling did you good after all.

A: Get off my case Rok. You know, maybe it’s not a bad thing that you cry; at least I don’t have to listen to your crap.

D: Guys, guys, come on! Aren’t you even worried that we’re practically in somewhere dark and can’t see each other yet we’re talking to each other? And Nick’s gone, aren’t you guys even worried where he is? If he’s okay?

B: I hope he’s okay, maybe he can help us get out of here D.

D: Ah see, I know you still love that boy Brian.

B: Don’t push it Howie.

K: Okay then, so is it safe to say that we’re involved in a shooting car accident and are now trapped in some kind of a limbo?

D: Yup, that pretty much sums it all up Kevin.

K: So Nick’s not in limbo.

A: Which means he might still be in the car? Maybe he’s lucky and didn’t hurt much. He could call for help; you said he was on the cell right?

B: Or maybe he has passed on.

A: What’s that supposed to mean Brian?

B: Well, I’m just thinking, he could either be unhurt, which is unlikely since all four of us are here, or he has passed on, to the other side.

A: You mean, he’s dead?

B: He could be J; I’m just giving you all the possibilities.

A: But we can’t go like this. God, I was practically biting his head off back there. I didn’t want him to think that I hate him.

D: We all did AJ, not just you. I’m sure Nick didn’t want to leave us like this too.

N: Howie, is that you?

D: Oh my God.

B: Nick?

N: Brian? Where are you?

B: Right here. We all are.

N: Here? How did, we were, what?

K: We don’t know either Nick, we think we’re in a limbo or something.

N: A what? No Kevin, we were in the car and there were shots and we got caught in it. We crashed into another car, remember? I thought you guys were dead, I kept calling but no one answered. God Brian, you were bleeding so much, I tried to wake you up but you never did. You, and AJ, and Kevin, Howie, I yelled out at the people outside but they didn’t come to help, they

B: Nick, calm down, it’s okay buddy.

N: It’s not okay Brian! Nothing is! And why, why am I hurting like this? What is this place? Hell?

A: Close enough.

D: AJ!

A: What? This sure ain’t heaven.

K: No, it’s not hell Nick and we’re all in some kind of pain too. Is it that bad?

N: My head hurts and I can’t breath, yeah, it’s bad.

K: I’m not sure what you should do Nick, but try calming down and take deep breaths, relax.

A: Wow, you sound like someone from 911 Kev.

K: Not now Bone.

N: I see a tunnel, are you guys over there?

D: Tunnel?

B: No Nick, there’s no tunnel.

N: I see a tunnel Brian. I’m going; maybe I can find someone who can help us.

B: No Nick, don’t go.

N: But it’s our only hope Bri. I can’t stand this place any longer, I can’t breath here.

B: Nick please, stay with us, don’t follow that tunnel.

A: Brian what’s wrong with you? He’s seeing something we don’t, he could help us!

B: He’s dying you asshole! If he goes through that tunnel, he’s moving on!

K: Maybe that’s what he needs to do Brian.

B: How can you even say that Kevin! We’re not going to die!

N: Guys, I’m going. This might be my last chance.

B: Nick don’t! You can’t die! We can’t end this way!

K: Brian for the love of God, let him go, he’s hurting.

N: I’m sorry guys, but I can’t stay. Maybe I’ll see you guys there later okay?

D: Nick, don’t do this, maybe it’s not even a tunnel to the other side. Maybe it’s something else!

K: Howie, I think it’s time we stop being selfish and let him go.

D: Well I’m sorry for being selfish; I love him too much to let him go!

K: I love him too D. We all do.

D: Well, he needs to know that because he’s leaving us thinking that we hate him!

B: It’s too late isn’t it?

K: Perhaps it is Brian.

A: Guys, I think I see the tunnel too!

K: AJ stop fooling around, this isn’t funny!

A: I’m not lying! I think I see what Nick meant, damn it’s so bright!

B: J, does the tunnel happen to be a really bright light at first?

A: Yeah, it gets bigger Brian.

B: Well, I think I see it too.

K: Oh no, not you too Brian.

B: Kevin, I see it. Does this means I’m gonna die?

K: I don’t know about you Brian, but whatever it is I hope it’s a good thing, cause I’m seeing it too.

D: Hey, me too! Me too! I see the tunnel!

B: Okay Howie, stop with the sugar rush.

A: Does this means we’re all gonna die?

K: Will you stop with the dying stuff AJ?

B: Um guys, I think I see someone coming from that tunnel.

D: Yeah, I see it too. Who is he?

B: An Angel maybe?

A: Angel for AJ Mc Lean? Does that mean I’m going to heaven?

K: I see him too so I hope he’s an angel.

N: Okay so apparently, that tunnel is not a link to the other side.

B: Nick! What happened? Who is this guy?

N: I don’t know but he told me I’m not supposed to go there, yet.

V: Gentlemen, my name’s Vinhorian Alni.

A: Are you an angel?

V: No AJ, I’m not an angel.

A: How did you know, ah, never mind.

B: So what are you?

V: Enough for you to know that I’m a friend Brian. I can’t help hearing your prayers asking for a second chance. All of you wanted Nick back.

K: So you’re here to send him back to us?

V: No Kevin, but I know enough to understand that it isn’t his time to move on yet.

D: Well, can you at least help us get out of this place? We don’t belong here.

V: I’m afraid I can’t do that Howie. I don’t have that power. But if it’s a second chance that you ask for, I can give you that.

D: Really?

V: Yes. If you feel that all of you deserve a second chance, I can help you to make that happen, all you have to do is agree to it and it’s done.

N: I don’t like it here; I’m willing to go anywhere else.

A: Well, I’m with Nick.

N: Good choice J.

K: Wait. When you said second chance, what does it mean exactly?

V: I’m taking you to my world, where you can help yourselves work things out. Believe me Kevin, I’m not here to mislead you.

K: You seem like someone I can trust Vinhorian, I hope I’m doing the right thing. I’m going.

D: Count me in too.

A: So Brian, we’re all in, how about you?

B: We always say, no matter what, we stay together right? I know we don’t seem to get along lately but,

N: Is that a yes?

B: Yeah, it’s a yes Nick.

V: Great. Now all you have to do is close your eyes and will yourselves back in the car. When you find yourselves there, you’ll not have any memory of this at all. All you will know is that you have to get out and wait for my man Jack. He will pick you up and we will meet again. You will not remember me but you’ll know I’m a friend. Trust your instincts and it’ll lead you back to me.

A: This is too surreal for me.

V: It is AJ.

A: It’s like twilight zone.

V: You have no idea how right you are.

- “Whoa, what was that?” AJ exclaimed as soon as he was out of the trance. He was feeling dizzy yet at the same time thrilled by what he had just seen. As Vinhorian had said, he didn’t have any memories of being trapped in a limbo or being approached by Vinhorian himself.

“I think the hug transported us…somewhere.” Nick guessed.

“We should really watch what we do here guys,” Howie said. “what if we transported ourselves again accidentally and see something that we’re not meant to see.”

“You were meant to see that,” Vinhorian explained. “you just transported yourselves without my help, that’s all.”

“Did that really happen?” Brian asked.

“It did.” Vinhorian replied. “We met even before you stepped into my world.”

“So we really were in a…limbo…when we met you?” Kevin asked.

“Yes. Like I’ve said before, we met in the land of the in between, limbo is it.”

“How come Nick wasn’t there earlier?” AJ asked.

“Because I was still conscious when the car crashed.” Nick explained. “I tried to wake you guys up but we were really in a bad condition, there’s blood everywhere…I remember it now. It was raining and there’re two other cars involved. I cried for help but no one came, something about it’s not safe…they told me to calm down. But I can’t calm down…how can I calm down when I wasn’t even sure if you guys were breathing. I tried to get out and get help but-”

“But you were in as much pain as they were. It was only a matter of time before you lost consciousness yourself.” Vinhorian cut in.

“And got yourself in limbo with us.” Kevin finished.

“Okay so, I still don’t understand why you still asked us if we wanna take this journey when we woke up in that Littrell workshop when you already asked us that at the, um, limbo thingy?” Howie asked.

“It was a test, to see if you really wanted it.”

“And if we had said no?”

“Then we would have sent you back to earth AJ.”

Kevin smiled, now that he had been in this twilight zone for quite sometime, he knew he’d miss it when they headed back home.” Well Vin, I can’t even begin to say how much I appreciate this second chance you’ve given us.”

“All in the will of God my friend, I’m just here to help.”

“So you really have no idea if we die huh?” Brian asked, biting his lower lips.

“None of you are dead Brian; you will not be here if you are. And there was never a risk of you dying if you went further into our world that was made up so that you knew your limits.” Vinhorian replied.

“Our limits?”

“You see Howie, when you entered our world, you’d see things that made you want to see more or made you don’t want to leave even, that’s not what we bring you here in the first place. We need you to be reminded that this isn’t a luxury but a ride for you to right what went wrong. Being reminded of death if you pursue more than you should, made you think of home. It’s the key to actually transporting you out of here, to think of home.”

“So we’re not in any threat of death?” Kevin asked.

“Not in my world. You can’t die in my world. You only suffer the consequences of the accident when you’re on earth.”

“So, this is it then? We’re going back now?” Nick asked, feeling sorry that he had to leave a friend behind.

“Yes, but before I leave you, there are things you need to know. First of all, you’ll leave this place with the knowledge of what had happened in the past that you had kept away from each other. You will also remember the journey to the alternate universe of your earth because the people you saw or became in that world exist in your world. It is up to you to make something good out of that experience. You will however, not remember any of the events that supposedly took place in your future because from now on, your future is untold. It is up to you, from this day forward, to mold that future, nothing is impossible. You will remember me as a friend and for the sake of your own sanity, you will remember my world just the way you see your world. You have to however, promise me one thing though.”

“Just name it Vin.” Howie urged. “It’s the least we could do to repay you for all of this.”

“Everything about Vinhorian Alni and the twilight zone will be a secret guarded by the five of you. Not to another soul about this.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem Vin, they’d think we’re insane anyway.” Nick replied.

“You have our word Vin, not a soul.” Brian added.

Vinhorian nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. “Well, it’s been great to know all of you. Now remember, if you need a helping hand, you know you have me for a friend.”

“You mean, we can call you?” Howie asked.

“I’m afraid not Howie,” Vinhorian replied. “But I’m a part of each of you. Our time is running short, perhaps one of these days it will all come clear. For now, our paths end here. So, for the last time my friends take my hand.”

Finding Brotherhood
Unveiled Thoughts