Joey's Weird WAVs

Joey Zee's Weird WAVs


 Name                   Included      Size  Description

[SND] 3lovers.wav 23-Jan-2000 45k Jerry Maguire - Rene Zellwegger [SND] 44-mag.mp3 18-Oct-1999 71k Dirty Harry - Clint Eastwood [SND] 911_deer_vs_car.wav 08-Mar-2000 739k Actual humorous 911 call [SND] 937msgs.wav 24-Nov-1999 79k funny email message [SND] ah-man.wav 08-Feb-2000 20k Pulp Fiction - Samuel L. Jackson [SND] alcohlc.wav 07-Dec-1999 35k Romy and Michelle [SND] aliens_movie_1.mp3 10-Jan-2005 18k Bill Paxton in Aliens [SND] aliens_movie_2.mp3 10-Jan-2005 19k Sigourney Weaver in Aliens [SND] alive.wav 08-Feb-2000 83k Young Frankenstein - 'It's Alive!' Gene Wilder [SND] always_be_shorty.mp3 10-Jan-2005 36k Burt Reynolds & Clint Eastwood [SND] alwshere.wav 08-Dec-1999 61k Babylon Five [SND] apollo11.mp3 10-Jan-2005 108k Neil Armstrong lands on the Moon 7/20/1969 [SND] babysitr.wav 10-Dec-1999 23k Adventures in Babysitting - "Don't mess with the babysitter!" [SND] badges.wav 02-Nov-1999 87k Treasure of the Sierra Madre - " stinkin' badges!" [SND] balls_off.wav 06-Jul-2000 116k Full Metal Jacket - Drill Sgt. [SND] bimbo_song.mp3 09-Jan-2005 157k the Bimbette Lament [SND] bite.wav 02-Dec-1999 48k '... we all have to take a bite' - Billy Joe Greenbush [SND] blockage.wav 23-Jan-2000 84k 'I made you up...' - Sublime [SND] bobswife.wav 27-Jan-2000 109k Clint Eastwood & James Woods [SND] bogus.wav 07-Dec-1999 12k Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey - Keanu Reeves [SND] bond.wav 13-Dec-1999 35k 'Bond, James Bond', Roger Moore [SND] boozer.wav 07-Dec-1999 13k Romy and Michelle (short) [SND] born_asshole_song.mp3 10-Jan-2005 47k The I-95 Song [SND] Breadman.mp3 09-Jan-2005 35k "What's happening Jack?" [SND] bullshit.wav 02-Dec-1999 8k Jerry Maguire - Cuba Gooding Jr. [SND] buzzwrng.wav 24-Nov-1999 59k game show satire [SND] cableguy.wav 25-May-2001 17k The Cable Guy - Jim Carey [SND] casablanca.mp3 10-Jan-2005 37k Claude Rains & Humphrey Bogart [SND] caseykc.wav 18-Oct-1999 192k Casey Kasem in a foul mood [SND] catmeow.wav 18-Oct-1999 95k cat meowing [SND] cereal.wav 08-Dec-1999 18k Bottom feeders need it - Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire [SND] chips.mp3 03-Feb-2000 46k CHiPs TV series theme [SND] circle-k.wav 07-Dec-1999 33k Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure [SND] command.wav 07-Dec-1999 12k Battlestar Gallactica - Cylon [SND] coolsftw.wav 07-Dec-1999 54k 'Check out the cool software' [SND] correcta.wav 27-Oct-1999 15k Pulp Fiction - Samuel L. Jackson [SND] custard.mp3 24-Feb-2000 26k Beatles - I am the Walrus [SND] cute.wav 18-Oct-2000 32k "I can't help it if I'm cute" [SND] cyber_hell_song.mp3 13-Apr-2000 170k To the Gilligans Island tune [SND] daisy.wav 08-Dec-1999 11k Val Kilmer's Doc Holiday in Tombstone [SND] dang-me_Miller.mp3 10-Jan-2005 72k Roger Miller "...oughta take a rope & hang me!" [SND] dead_or2.wav 02-Dec-1999 27k Robocop [SND] dead_planet.mp3 10-Jan-2005 40k Planet Of The Apes intro [SND] dickens_cider.mp3 16-Apr-2000 192k Humorous ad parody [SND] dirtbag.wav 06-Jul-2000 38k Full Metal Jacket - Drill Sgt. R. Lee Ermey [SND] dirtywrd.wav 02-Dec-1999 28k George Carlin [SND] door2.wav 27-Oct-1999 8k sound effect [SND] 08-Feb-2000 5k Homer Simpson [SND] ebolasong.mp3 21-Mar-2000 79k The Ebola Song [SND] ed_wood_movie.mp3 14-May-2000 26k Glen Or Glenda movie [SND] elephant.wav 07-Dec-1999 22k elephant trumpeting [SND] eskimo_pussy.mp3 10-Jan-2005 35k R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket [SND] excelnt.wav 07-Dec-1999 11k Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure [SND] exterm.wav 07-Dec-1999 12k Battlestar Gallactica - TV Series [SND] f-word_usages.mp3 08-Mar-2000 441k Proper & humorous F-word usages [SND] fallen.wav 07-Dec-1999 20k '... and I can't get up!' [SND] feelgood.wav 07-Dec-1999 83k James Brown [SND] flintfone.wav 04-Feb-2000 41k Our Man Flint hotline phone [SND] Flint_Phone.mp3 30-Dec-2008 43k In Like Flint hotline phone [SND] freaked.wav 02-Dec-1999 22k Jerry Maguire [SND] friday.wav 09-Jul-2000 33k Smokey from the movie Friday [SND] fudge_packers.wav 06-Jul-2000 316k 'Ghost Riders In The Sky' parody [SND] gabbitch.wav 27-Jan-2000 63k Demon Gabrielle - Xena [SND] gdmorjim.wav 07-Dec-1999 8k Mission Impossible [SND] gerbil_trouble.mp3 17-Mar-2000 620k Humorous radio report [SND] goodwtch.wav 18-Oct-1999 27k Wizard of OZ - Glenda [SND] grasshop.wav 08-Feb-2000 75k Kung Fu - the series [SND] greatday.wav 08-Feb-2000 33k Jerry Maguire [SND] greetngs.wav 02-Dec-1999 18k War Games computer [SND] halmsg.wav 08-Feb-2000 13k 2001: A Space Odessey - HAL mail message [SND] hampster.mp3 21-Mar-2000 30k Hamster Dance Music [SND] hawaii5o.wav 08-Feb-2000 137k Hawaii Five-O theme [SND] heartbreak.wav 04-Nov-1999 282k Clint Eastwood as Gunney Highway [SND] hemmies.wav 27-Jul-2001 41k Hemorrhoid humor [SND] high-vol.wav 07-Dec-1999 119k 'This should be played at ...' [SND] hogans.wav 08-Feb-2000 103k Hogans Heroes theme [SND] honey_bunny.mp3 10-Jan-2005 31k Pulp Fiction [SND] huckle-1.wav 02-Dec-1999 11k Val Kilmer's Doc Holiday in Tombstone [SND] I_can_still_feel...mp3 10-Jan-2005 230k good song by Shawn Jones [SND] jaggermail.wav 24-Nov-1999 54k Mick Jagger's email message [SND] jerrylee.wav 24-Nov-1999 49k Jerry Lee Lewis [SND] joey.mp3 10-Jan-2005 15k Joey Zee greeting [SND] joey2.mp3 10-Jan-2005 17k Joey Zee greeting ver. 2 [SND] king_of_the_hill.mp3 10-Jan-2005 43k Internet is The Beast [SND] laugh1.mp3 10-Jan-2005 16k crazy laughter [SND] legdangl.wav 07-Dec-1999 53k sound effect [SND] life.wav 18-Oct-1999 62k Ferris Bueller's Day Off [SND] likewedo.wav 07-Dec-1999 70k The Chronic (Dr. Dre) [SND] lionsnar.wav 07-Dec-1999 47k lion roar [SND] little_dog_too.wav 06-Jul-2000 33k Wizard Of OZ - Wicked Witch [SND] looks.wav 27-Oct-1999 41k Clueless [SND] madhell.wav 02-Nov-1999 49k 'I'm mad as hell and ...' from Network [SND] magnum2.wav 19-Oct-1999 273k Higgins - Magnum P.I. [SND] malcolm_x_stamp.mp3 08-Mar-2000 839k Joe complains to Post Office [SND] man.wav 24-Nov-1999 54k The Big Lebowski - Jeff Bridges [SND] manson1.mp3 02-Dec-1999 32k Charlie Manson, "witch ya" [SND] manson3.mp3 02-Dec-1999 41k Charles Manson being his lunatic self [SND] marching_song.wav 06-Jul-2000 125k Full Metal Jacket - Drill Sgt. [SND] mary_rottencrotch.wav 06-Jul-2000 82k Full Metal Jacket - R. Lee Ermey [SND] medieval.wav 09-Dec-1999 59k Gump gets medieval - Pulp Fiction parody [SND] men-in-blk.wav 27-Oct-1999 65k Men In Black - promo [SND] mission.wav 08-Feb-2000 25k Mission Impossible movie [SND] missngod.wav 08-Feb-2000 33k Blues Brothers, 1980 - Dan Ackroyd [SND] modern_tech.wav 18-Mar-2001 30k "Isn't Modern Technology Wonderful?" [SND] moneypit_tom_hanks.mp3 10-Jan-2005 89k Tom Hanks laughs maniacally [SND] moron.wav 18-Oct-1999 44k The Big Lebowski - Jeff Bridges [SND] mybag.wav 18-Oct-1999 22k Austin Powers - Mike Myers [SND] nitemare.wav 18-Oct-1999 51k My Cousin Vinny - Marisa Tomei [SND] no-forgv.wav 21-Jan-2000 45k Pulp Fiction - Samuel L. Jackson [SND] No_my_brother.mp3 10-Jan-2005 19k Bad TV ad [SND] not_in_kansas.wav 06-Jul-2000 27k Wizard Of OZ - Dorothy to Toto [SND] nuns.wav 13-Dec-1999 125k Two Mules For Sister Sara - Clint Eastwood [SND] okay.wav 07-Dec-1999 23k 'okay!' [SND] old-bell.wav 24-Feb-2000 51k Beatles - Daddy's Old Bell [SND] opinions.wav 13-Dec-1999 36k 'Opinions are like...', Clint Eastwood [SND] ordinary.wav 08-Feb-2000 32k '...ordinary citizens', Robin in Batman TV series [SND] outer_limits.mp3 09-Jan-2005 85k Intro from The Outer Limits [SND] ovaltine.wav 13-Dec-1999 55k 1950s Ovaltine Ad [SND] parasite.wav 07-Dec-1999 35k Casablanca - Humphrey Bogart [SND] parental.wav 08-Feb-2000 15k Parental Guidance suggested [SND] parentl2.wav 09-Dec-1999 28k Parental warning [SND] password.wav 27-Jan-2000 36k Babylon 5 - computer [SND] pawang.wav 07-Dec-1999 4k sound effect [SND] pepsi.wav 10-Dec-1999 124k 1940s Pepsi radio ad [SND] playgame.wav 27-Oct-1999 22k War Games computer [SND] ponch-mail.wav 04-Feb-2000 34k CHiPs - Ponch's mail [SND] postal.wav 29-Feb-2000 114k going postal at the USPS [SND] presto.wav 07-Dec-1999 9k Bullwinkle [SND] prez_bush_tells...mp3 03-Apr-2000 349k Satirical President Bush press conference [SND] put_em_up.wav 06-Jul-2000 15k Wizard Of OZ - Cowardly Lion [SND] pwlaff.wav 27-Oct-1999 43k Pee Wee Herman laugh [SND] redneck101.mp3 29-Feb-2000 103k Learn to speak Redneck [SND] rightturn.wav 27-Oct-1999 128k Every Which But Loose - Clint Eastwood & Clyde [SND] roadkill.wav 02-Nov-1999 26k '... on the Information Highway' [SND] robocop.wav 27-Oct-1999 41k '... 20 seconds to comply' [SND] rockford.wav 09-Jul-2000 56k Rockford Files answering machine intro James Garner [SND] rollpapr.wav 07-Dec-1999 29k sound effect [SND] roscoe.wav 04-Feb-2000 38k Dukes of Hazard - Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrain [SND] rosiedog.wav 07-Dec-1999 36k Roseanne Barr-Arnold-etc [SND] rowdy.wav 10-Dec-1999 40k 'All my rowdy friends...' Hank Williams Jr. [SND] rumble.wav 27-Oct-1999 57k 'Get ready to rumble!' [SND] sister.wav 02-Dec-1999 38k Full Metal Jacket - R. Lee Ermey [SND] skull_f--k.wav 06-Jul-2000 80k Full Metal Jacket - Drill Sgt. [SND] smells.wav 02-Dec-1999 20k Bruce Dern [SND] smokin.wav 07-Dec-1999 44k The Mask - Jim Carey [SND] sprkplug.wav 08-Feb-2000 38k War Games - The General at NORAD [SND] spooky.wav 07-Dec-1999 6k sound effect [SND] squeeze.wav 08-Feb-2000 71k Mission Impossible movie [SND] st-beam.wav 04-Feb-2000 26k 'Beam me up Scottie' James T. Kirk (William Shatner) [SND] st-ds9.wav 16-Jan-2000 55k Deep Space Nine theme [SND] st-spock.wav 04-Feb-2000 19k Spock (Leonard Nimoy) - 'Fascinating' [SND] st-tng.wav 16-Jan-2000 55k Star Trek: The Next Generation theme [SND] st-voygr.wav 16-Jan-2000 39k Star Trek Voyager theme [SND] stains.wav 16-Jan-2000 77k 'mustard colored stains', Maggie Estep [SND] startrek.wav 07-Dec-1999 54k Star Trek TOS TV Theme [SND] stinkin_paws.mp3 10-Jan-2005 26k Charlton Heston in Planet Of The Apes [SND] stronger.wav 02-Dec-1999 26k 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.' [SND] stupid-minds.mp3 10-Jan-2005 32k Ed Woods' Plan 9 From Outer Space [SND] superman.wav 04-Feb-2000 35k "Look, up in the sky...", Superman TV series [SND] 27-Jan-2000 95k The Trashmen - song [SND] surfbird.mp3 03-Nov-1999 95k The Trashmen - song [SND] surfbird.wav 03-Nov-1999 205k The Trashmen - song [SND] tastburg.wav 10-Dec-1999 39k 'That's a tasty burger!', Samuel L. Jackson [SND] terminat.wav 07-Dec-1999 11k 'I'll be back' - Arnold Schwarzenegger [SND] thehell.wav 08-Feb-2000 17k Mission Impossible movie - Tom Cruise [SND] toilet.wav 27-Oct-1999 91k sound effect [SND] trash.wav 07-Dec-1999 36k sound effect [SND] twilight_zone.mp3 09-Jul-2000 50k Rod Serling's Twilight Zone intro [SND] two-utes.wav 18-Oct-1999 60k My Cousin Vinny - Joe Pesci & Fred Gwynne [SND] umbrella.wav 27-Oct-1999 26k Smokey and the Bandit - Jackie Gleason [SND] umm-ok.wav 18-Oct-1999 13k Romy and Michelle [SND] uncle3.wav 10-Dec-1999 93k The Man from UNCLE - TV theme [SND] vacation.wav 27-Oct-1999 29k Star Trek - Dr. 'Bones' McCoy [SND] vanishing_point.mp3 06-Jan-2005 72k Vanishing Point movie - Cleavon Little [SND] vault.wav 07-Dec-1999 17k sound effect [SND] w-disney.mp3 13-Dec-1999 79k Walt Disney opens Disneyland in 1955 [SND] walrus.mp3 24-Feb-2000 28k Beatles "I am the Walrus" choo-choo-cha-choo [SND] warning.wav 07-Dec-1999 37k Lost in Space - robot [SND] wassup.wav 18-Oct-2000 54k Budweiser's "Wazzssup" TV Ad [SND] whip-out.wav 27-Jan-2000 42k Blazing Saddles - Cleavon Little [SND] whooaa.wav 10-Dec-1999 16k Scent Of A Woman - Al Pacino [SND] wiggle.wav 07-Dec-1999 11k sound effect [SND] wipeout.wav 03-Nov-1999 38k The Troogs - song [SND] wirehngr.wav 18-Oct-1999 57k Mommie Dearest movie [SND] wiseguy.wav 07-Dec-1999 26k Curley - 3 Stooges [SND] workwork.wav 27-Oct-1999 42k '... everybody back to work!' [SND] what_the_f--k.mp3 21-Jan-2000 12k Full Metal Jacket - R. Lee Ermey [SND] xmail.wav 08-Feb-2000 39k X Files email message [SND] yesyes.wav 24-Nov-1999 41k When Harry Met Sally - Meg Ryan [SND] yourang.wav 07-Dec-1999 24k Lurch - Addams Family TV series [SND] yousaid.wav 08-Feb-2000 16k Mel Blanc [SND] zedsdead.wav 08-Feb-2000 129k Pulp Fiction - Bruce Willis
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