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What Steve Learned

1. Update Section - June 26th
2. Flash Games - July 13th
3. Flash - April 21
4. W. S. L. - April 21

Top 5 Mp3z
1. SlipKnot - Heretic
2. Sum 41 - FatLip
3. The Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
4. MillenColin - Mr. Clean

July 13th, 2001: 8:30 PM PST -:-:- Flash Games

I just added 2 new flash games. Go see them, and just so everyone know I do all my updates through the livejournal now.
Use the link below
-Journal Link-

June 22, 2001: 7:50 AM PST -:-:- Im back!

I now have a live journal setup so I can update my site without coming into this dumbass angelfire thing. Check it out here

May 15, 2001: 1:00 PM PST -:-:- tra la la la la la

Just though I'd keep the site fresh with semi new updates, currently I am still too busy to do any major updates, but I am working on a full length flash movie and a tarot card game for another website. I hope to be finised both by the end of the month.


May 11, 2001: 3:30 PM PST -:-:- Real Life

Sorry for the lack of action here, real life is interfering.


April 24, 2001: 3:30 PM PST -:-:- MUSIC

Ta Dah
Okay, so now I have a top 5 mp3 table on the left, if anyone has any suggestions for better songs icq me (#105978122). One day I'll get off my ass and set up a special area where you can vote for the best songs. I should have a guestbook built today so you can all leave filthy comments to me that I can edit. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAH.


April 21, 2001: 3:50 AM PST -:-:- NEW NEW NEW

Two new flash videos plus the flash section is up, and I can take 2 parts off the list. I am really tired now so I'm going to bed, good night!
  1. Guestbook
  2. More links

April 14, 2001: 10:25 AM PST -:-:- Trala la la la la

Heil Steve
Has anyone noticed that the internet is getting boring. Theres nothing new and nothing unique, and as soon as I find a site unique and refreshing its never updated. I am working hard to finish off the site so be patient.
So the list now:
  1. Guestbook
  2. More links
  3. What Steve Learned Today
  4. Something else

April 12, 2001: 9:41 AM PST -:-:- New Stuff

Welcome to the beginning of the end of the beginning part 2.
Okay, I finished the poll, IT WORKS!!, and I added some links along the side, one to my insane friend's site, one for my other insane friend's site and then one for this insane site, This is a cry for
So the list is now
  1. Guestbook
  2. More links
  3. Joke section
  4. What Steve Learned Today
  5. Something else

April 11, 2001: 4:18 PM PST -:-:- New Layout for a new Site

Welcome to the beginning of the end of the beginning.
Basically that means I am nearly finished the site the end of the beginning. Future plans I have for this site include:
  1. Guestbook
  2. Sick and Twisted Jokes
  3. Links
  4. Weekly poll
  5. A section called You learn something new everyday day
  6. Various other site features

Craig's Rantings
DeLorax's Site
Earth 2025
College Humor
Steak and Cheese
This is a cry for help
Undying Hate Poll
Is the flash section working?
Havent checked

Current results
Free Web Polls