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    This is my webpage. You will find cool things on my webpage. You will learn cool things on my webpage. All in all, my webpage is just a cool thing.
    Now, it seems to me that the title of this webpage used to be "Pee." Why did I change it? Because I can ... also because people would email me saying things like, "You have PEE on your webpage!" ... **imbeciles**
    So I was right about the 2004 Rookie of the Year (Kasey Kahne), now I'm calling 2005: Kyle Busch. And this isn't only because Carl Edwards was my first choice and he's ineligible. It's also due to the fact that the younger Busch is a great driver, and should do very well this season ... but Carl will still do better.
    I would like to call to your attention the fact that I have an Anti-Jeff Gordon webpage. I encourage you to go check it out, even if you're a Gordon fan, so that you can sign the guestbook and tell me what you think. Feedback, people! I need feedback! Also, tell me what you think about my new Me page! It's the first on the list, and you can tell which one it is because it has NEW next to it. It really kicks butt, and I'd like it very much if you would go there, look at it all, and tell me what you think!
    On this webpage you can expect to find:
            1) Stuff
            2) More stuff
            But wait! There's more...
            3) Stuff
    Honestly, I have some pretty cool stuff on here. My main plan when I started this was to create a list of bands with their webpages, but now that I'm listening to a wider variety of music, I realize that I was in over my head there. I don't have the time for that crap. So, basically, since this is the first time that I've even updated this thing in what, a year?, HOALOB is cancelled.
    Well, you're probably wondering what's REALLY on here.

 Me! You've got to see it, it's so cool....
 My Obsessions
 My Anti-Gordon Page! Up AND Running!
 Kristina DOES Have Friends (AKA the Badtz Maru Page)
 Kristina's Loonie of the Week
 About Me
 Get the News About Kristina: Updated Weekly
 My Top 50
 Boy Bands: Antichrists or Not?
 Where I Live and Why it Sucks
 Why Rap Sucks
 My Oregon Trail Journals

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
    Okay, now that you've seen your options, explore and have fun!
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