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Western Pennsylvania Orgnaization for Paranormal Research

Welcome to the home of the Western Pennsylvania Organization for Paranormal Research (WPOPR). We are a group of ordinary people who share a common passion: ghosthunting. It is our mission to prove that ghosts do exist and that they are right here in Western Pennsylvania.


The idea to do ghosthunting came about after Josie Kalus and Jason Thompson saw the Blair Witch Project. The cult classic inspired them to learn more about the paranormal. Josie wanted to go ghosthunting that night, but Jason, wanting to plan the ghosthunts out, refused to go. It was that night that the idea of WPOPR was first born. It took a while longer, but soon they got the ball rolling.

Jason began to research different methods and ideas for ghosthunting, while Josie practiced photography in all different kinds of light, with all different kinds of film. When both Jason and Josie felt prepared in their respective departments, they decided to begin searching for what was really out there. And so, a paranormal research team was born.

WPOPR was founded by Jason Thompson and Josie Kalus in the spring of 2001. The first ghosthunt ever conducted by WPOPR took place at a cemetary just outside of Rossiter PA. Since that night, the team has grown quickly, and is working on investigating Hemlock Lake and many other spooky sites. The team is currently planning to investigate sites in Jefferson and Indiana Countys including the North Findley Street Cemetary, Horatio Cemetary and Calvary Cemetary, as well as sites under consideration for the new Harrisburg chapter. WPOPR is the only paranormal research organization in the Indiana/Jefferson County Area. We are currently looking for more sites to investigate and more open minded members to join us.


I have moved to Harrisburg, and I am currently looking for interested individuals to form a Harrisburg chapter. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to email us. The Punxsutawney chapter will be restructuring to make up for my absence in the very near future. Sorry to anyone I haven't responded to, and thank you for bearing with us!--Jason

What's Coming to the WPOPR webpage

Coming soon: A photo page, featuring some ghostly photos; reports and pictures from Gettysburg; and new links to other spooky sites on the WWW.

Sign the guestbook, and let us know what you think!

View My Ghostbook
Sign My Ghostbook

See who's on the team
Our Ghosthunting reports
Some tips for hunting ghosts on your own
How to Photograph a Ghost
Links to other Ghosthunting Sites on the WWW
A Note on Other Organizations
