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Ghosthunting Tips

Someone once asked me "Do you guys like go out into the woods with guns and traps and stuff to like catch ghosts?" And of course I said "NO...we do not go out into the woods with guns and traps and stuff. It's more like we go out in the woods with cameras, tape recorders and stuff." "So how do you hunt a ghost?," he asked. "Well," I said "it's not so easy to explain."

So how do you hunt ghosts? Read the rest of this page to find out some tips.

1. Keep an open mind. Keeping an open mind at all times can lead to good results.
2. Check out the area. Make sure you are familiar with where you are going to be doing your investigation.
3. Arrive Early. This allows for a couple of things: you to get familiar with the area again, and the spirits to get familiar with you.
4. Get permission to be where you are. With some places, like cemeteries, it is very important to have permission from the person in charge of the property before you enter it. Trying to explain to the police why you are tramping around in a cemetery at night might be a little tricky.
5. Become familiar with the equipment you have. If you don't know what you are dealing with you may wind up with results that are not credible.
6. Make sure that everyone on the team knows who is doing what before the hunt. Do not show up at the site and just hand equipment to people who may or may not know how to use it.
7. It is a good idea to say a prayer or blessing before entering the site. If there are any harmful spirits, asking for protection from God, or a Higher Power is not a bad idea. If this does nothing, then you wasted about 10 seconds, but if it works then you wasted nothing and saved yourselves a lot of problems.
8. Load all film, and tapes at the sites. Log in the starting time, temperature, weather conditions, names of investigators, date and anything else you feel is relevant.
9. LOG EVERYTHING ON TAPE OR IN WRITING....take temperature readings often and log changes in temperature. Log your photos and times. Log any strange noises, and any visual sightings you may have. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
10. Make sure that everyone speaks as little as possible, and in a normal tone of voice. Whispers are easily mistaken for Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVPs, or ghost voices) and can mess up the research.
11. When the investigation is complete, say a closing prayer asking all human spirits to remain at the site and not to follow anyone home. Tell any non-human spirits to go where God (or other Diety) tells them to, as it is He (or She) who commands them. Again this takes like 10 seconds, and is well worth your time.

Check out out Ghosthunters Photography Tips

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