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Dear Diary...

February 27,2004

It'z my birthday!WOOHOO~ yay my party was the greatest party ever..except for that stupid security, kept complaining about we were too loud.-__-"
February 29, 2004
It'z Vivian's birthday! we went to sing K in pmall..with lots of people. But the worst singer was Kenneth..HAHA was totally out of tune...but i was couldn't hear! too bad..=/

Updated entries:
March 27, 2004

We went to pmall again..and we actually went to drink tea..LOL haha the ppl were staring at us..because we are KIDS?! we went to sing K again..and my GREAT cousin MASO finally sang for once!! GOOD JOB =)
March 29, 2004

We went to the park today!! and saw LOTS of babies..LOL swing swing swing~ and the baby kept going like Weeeeee~ haha WEEEEEEEEEEEEE =D