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Name: Alec
Played by: Jensen Ackles
Episodes: Designate This; Bag Em; Proof of Purchase; Two; Some Assembly Required; Gill Girl; Medium is the Message; Brainiac; The Berrisford Agenda; Borrowed Time; Love in Vein; Exposure; Fuhgeddaboudit; Exposure; Hello Goodbye; Dog Day Afternoon; She's Not Heavy; Love Among the Runes; Freak Nation;

After the DNA lab was destroyed Manticore implemented a breeding program among the X5s. X5-494 was assigned to be Max's breeding partner at Manticore. Max's reaction was similar to most of her reactions to Manticore's orders. They did manage to come to an understanding: what Manticore didn't know was none of it's business to begin with. Max named him Alec, for his smartalecy attitude. He like the name, which is good, because her second choice was Dick.

Alec had a secondary mission, though. When psy-ops failed to get Max to reveal Eyes Only's identity. Alec pretended to help Max escape, and then followed her. When she reached Logan, he informed her of the genetically targeted retrovirus and the cure back at Manticore. Max as ususal had other plans and after disabling Alec she broadcast Eyes Only's hack about the location of Manticore. Then she returned to rescue the inhabitants from the governments cover-up and get the cure for the retro-virus.

If he looks a little familiar it's probably because he's Ben's twin. Ben escaped with Max in '09, but in the world outside of Manticore he became a serial killer.

Always Alright in the Aftermath of the Apocolypse: Click here to view
Title: Alec is Always Alright in the Aftermath of the Apocolpse
Song: It's the End of the World As we Know it (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M.
Created: 06/11/02
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to R.E.M. Description: Alec has survived the end of his world many times.
You alright?
I'm always alright

---Max and Alec in "The Berrisford Agenda"

Dangerous Heroes: Click here to view
Title: Alec's Dangerous Heroes
Song: Dangerous Heroes by Micheal Longcor
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to Micheal Longcor.

Attack of the Clones: Click here to view
Title: Attack of the Clones
Song: Don't Let Me Get Me by Pink
Created: 06/02/02
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to Pink. Description: Manticore twin video.

Mind Games: Click here to view
Title: Mind Games
Song: Another Brick in the Wall by Class of '99
Created: 06/27/02       updated: 08/26/02
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee.
Song suggested by Hobbes

Full Circle: Click here to view
Title: Full Circle
Song: Closing Time by Semi-sonic
Created: 07/05/02       updated: 07/15/02
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to Semi-sonic. Description: Max and Logan, Alec and Asha, or Max and Alec. The relationship merry-go-round.

Like I Even Care...: Image not Avalible
Title: Like I Even Care
Song: That Don't Impress Me Much by Shania Twain
Created: 07/10/02
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to Shania Twain. Description: Max isn't ready to settle down quite yet.
Personally, I'm more interested in going fast on my motorcycle than giving myself a headache over stuff I can't do anything about.
---Max to Logan in 'Pilot'

Between the Twain: Click here to view
Title: Between the Twain
Song: "Caught in the Middle by A1
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. No infringment intended. Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Song belongs to A1.
Description:Logan is caught between an old love and a new.