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Ashton Park.

I decided to do a web site about 'Ashton Park' in 'November 2002'. Mr Frank Hull took it upon himself to turn L.D.P.M Lodges into a park in 1978, when he handed a petition to the local council asking for permission to build a park located close to Ashton Estate in Darwen and once work started to take place it was named 'Ashton Park'.

'Ashton Park' is used by people from all over the world and is loved for its nature and wildlife.'Ashton Park' is one of the smallest parks in Darwen, but we are still constantly buildingis.Over the past few years there has been an increase of involvment within 'Ashton Park'. Unfortunately, there are more members needed to help 'Ashton Park' back on to its feet and for members to attend meetings at least once a month for about an hour. The group understand that not everyone can be available to attend every meeting due to family and working commitments. Can you help 'Friends of Ashton Park'?

If so please e-mail me by clicking on the link above.


** PLEASE NOTE: If there's some additional information that you would like then please e-mail me and I will forward you the information you require, Thank you.
