Pursuing Amy
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Pursuing Amy

She says her name is Amy
She spells it out in blood
But when they found her
She was covered in leaves and mud
After all she was considered autistic
And never spoke a word
Her face was blank and
She was like a song needed
To be heard
One day when her guardian wasn't looking
She escaped from the house
But no one even seemed to noticed
For she was quiet as a mouse
After an hour she was labeled as "disappeared"
And her guardians searched everywhere for her
In all her secrets places and
Not once did she appear Amy was off in a tree
Supposed to be playing with her dolls
But instead she was concentrating
On a piece of paper in her little world with
No walls
Franticly they went in the woods
And looked for her
But when they found her
She had been dead for awhile
And her head was covered with her hood
In her hand was note that said
Nothing but "This is the end."
They were going to try and help her
But she wouldn't bend
As they looked down at her figure
A circle of leaves surrounded her
Oddly though when the wind blew
In a heart shape they were
Below where Amy lay was her name
Spelled out in blood as on the note
But at the bottom were the words
"At last I'm free" were wrote

Krista Wyatt

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