Missing Unknown
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Missing Unknown

Do you ever feel likesomething is missing?
Standing, sitting, thinking
Something missing
Something that once I had
In whole or part
It filled a void so dark
Turning this way and that only a temporary fix
but never does the door click
A wondering path always leading my way back
it's only a circular track
A touch held so close and dear
sometimes hated evoking oddly a sense of fear
Do you ever feel likesomething is missing? Standing, sitting, thinking
Something missing
Years inside that place I held only to be with one the first,
then none, the only one
A burden I feel to place another yet you feel so what...fuck her
Reaching out you try to grab falsely sensing, feeling only a wall does stab
Then a cry a drop does fall no longer can I withdraw
Do you ever feel like something is missing?
standing, sitting, thinking something missing
Last I saw a rock...cold, raw chip and chisel you will not see
Then a drop it won't let it be remembering the way it used to see
Present replaced by past lost without torment and tears
still alive though through the years
Exploding, flowing, feeling words I attempt and stutter
oh so healing to the other
Sounding in vain
it echoes in my brain
poured out the rock did bleed
Sensing again the undying need
I must know.
Are we agreed? Please...
I beg you to hear a silent plea!


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