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Ryan's Poetry
Celeste's Poetry

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These are my thoughts on my day, and my experiences. The ups and downs, everything I feel like writing at the time. This is for my benefit, and if it helps someone else then I have done more than I had hoped. Again I reiterate that these are my thoughts and experiences and all I ask is that you respect that. Thank you and enjoy!!!

June 10, 2000
June 11, 2000
June 12, 2000
June 13, 2000
June 14, 2000
June 15, 2000
June 16, 2000
June 19, 2000
June 20, 2000
June 21, 2000
June 22, 2000
June 24, 2000
June 25, 2000
August 08, 2000
August 31, 2000
August 27, 2001