August 01, 2000
August 01, 2000
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It has been a long time since my last update on journal entries or poetry. The lack of work on The Poet's Guild is due to there have been many changes in my life since my last update. I have now moved from my parents house into a basement apartment of my own. I have found a new job, I believe my last entry stated I needed more hours. Well I have them now, I would say that on an average day I work 11 hours. So I am into money I guess but haven't seen much change in the income due to other issues that have risen to take my money. That is alright tho, it will work out better in the long run. Hmm well I have been using my sisters computer to do what I can on the page, but between work at work, work on my apartment, and finding time to spend with my fiance, well there is absolutely no time to spend online. This will change when I get my computer fixed and get internet access. I thank you all for your patience with me on the page. I am going to sign off now, well because I am getting kind of in the dumps waiting for my girlfriend to call. Goodnight and God Bless!!!

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