June 20, 2000
June 20, 2000
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Today wasn't good at all, things just didn't go well at all. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 2, just because I am an asshole. I take things and blow them out of proportion, and well I have some trust issues with someone in my life. I find it hard to trust people especially if I have been hurt in the same way before. Anyway I don't want to go off on all my problems, but you know what? This is my journal so I am going to anyway. So ha.... I had to work and it went fairly well, but everything else surrounding me just did not go well today. I love my fiance very much, but I seem to find myself getting mad over stupid things. I don't think they are stupid until I talk to her, but still I believe that I do have a right to have some concern. As I said earlier I do have some trust issues, and that is do to some betrayal in the past by people I liked and the one I love. But still I feel I should be over it, but it is hard for me. So I get mad and then I feel bad for getting mad, because I think I should be over it. I don't know if this makes any sense at all, but at least I am talking about it. So ya, things today just sucked. Tomorrow I believe will be better. I am supposed to spend the day with Melody, and that makes me happy.

Another thing I just thought of, I have mentioned the fact that I do not live with my fiance at this time. And we see each other almost every day, the one thing I hate is taking her home. I get in a real bitchy mood and things don't go as well when she is not around. I know that this soound pathetic, but it is a fact, my day goes 125% better when I am with her. If that makes any sense!!! Anways I won't make you suffer through anymore of my writings, for this entry. Goodnight and God Bless!!!

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