Margin: Exploring Modern Magical 


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OCTOBER SPECIAL! Writer and educator Bruce Holland Rogers leads this edition's For Writers Only column with advice for writers whose work, like his own, moves between and beyond genres and categories. As a writer of varying genres as well as work that defies genre, Bruce knows a bit about trying to market work that resists pigeonholing. He calls himself a SFWAn, or a member of the Science Fiction Writers of America, but his work moves well beyond even this major category.

What follows (click the link below) is his essay, "A Rough Guide to the Rest of the Markets," which previously appeared in the winter 1997 edition of The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). While the original audience for this essay was sci fi writers, and while Bruce makes a couple of references to the (sadly) defunct Story magazine, we still feel his advice is extremely timely, practical and thought-provoking. We also recommend that you pick up a copy of his book, Word Work: Surviving and Thriving as a Writer, for some useful advice on mitigating all the challenges that come with living the writer's life. -- The staff

Read "A Rough Guide to the Rest of the Markets"

We at Margin recognize that finding homes for magical realist writing can be challenging. Is your work literary? Mainstream? Genre? For Writers Only regularly highlights markets which have published magical realist writing.

We ask that you study publisher's guidelines very closely before submitting, and that you honor them to the letter. It helps to review sample copies of the magazine first, or to read samples of work online, when available. Studying your markets is one of the most effective ways to find homes for your work.

We wish all writers of magical realism the best of luck with their publishing goals.—TKS, Margin


Triquarterly literary journal ~ print format

ARKANSAS REVIEW: A Journal of Delta Stories
Guidelines: available online
E-mail for questions only ~ no electronic submissions
General Editor Tom Williams
Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Stories
Department of English and Philosophy
P.O. Box 1890
State University, AR 72467
Phone: (870) 972-3043

Tom Williams writes: "Arkansas Review is a journal of Delta Studies. For fiction writers, that means the stories we print are those that 'evoke or respond to the natural and/or cultural experience of the Mississippi River Delta.' Of course, that does not exclude treatments of the people and place that tend toward the magically real. In fact, I would welcome any homegrown magic realist experiments that are set in the Delta. Think of, for instance, the marvelous work of Lewis Nordan, and one might have a sense of how such experiments can play out. . . .We have no length guidelines, but, as most journal editors insist, anything over ten K has a low chance of making it."

Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.

Biannual literary journal ~ print format
Guidelines: available online
E-mail for questions only ~ no electronic submissions
Fiction Editor, Michael Czyzniejewski
Mid-American Review
Department of English, Box W
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green OH 43403

From the website: "Mid-American Review is an international literary journal dedicated to publishing the best contemporary fiction, poetry, nonfiction and translations.

Founded in 1981, Mid-American Review is an official publication of the Department of English at Bowling Green State University.

Mid-American Review is proud of its tradition of featuring the work of established artists. Writers such as Rita Dove, Stephen Dunn, Yusef Komanyakaa, Philip Levine, Mary Oliver, Richard Russo, William Stafford, James Tate, Melanie Rae Thon, David Foster Wallace and C.K. Williams have all appeared in Mid-American Review. But we also pride ourselves on our publication of new and up-and-coming writers, and of non-English speaking voices through our translation chapbook series.

Work from Mid-American Review has been reprinted in The Best American Poetry, The Best American Short Stories, Pushcart: Best of the Small Presses, Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards, New Stories from the South, Poetry Daily and Harper's Magazine."

Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.

Annual print anthology with genre focus

Guidelines: available online
Deborah Layne, Publisher and Fiction Editor ~or~ Jay Lake, Fiction Co-Editor, Polyphony
Wheatland Press
P. O. Box 1818
Wilsonville, OR 97070
From the website: "We only accept stories during open submission periods.

The publisher and editors are committed to finding outstanding cutting edge fiction from new writers as well as from established writers. We will be looking for stories that stretch (or break) the boundaries of traditional genres. We look for magic realism, surrealism, literary stories with a genre sensibility and other hard-to-classify stories with strong literary values, compelling characters, engaging tone and unique voice.

If you really want to know what we are looking for, check out the first volume of Polyphony, available directly from Wheatland Press, genre booksellers or online booksellers. We pay $0.06 per word for First Print and Electronic World Anthology Rights, on acceptance, along with two author's copies on publication."

From Deborah Layne: "I'm afraid that in these hectic few weeks before WorldCon I haven't been able to update the site with the dates for the Polyphony 5 submission period. You can list them as October 15 through November 30, 2004."

Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.

Quarterly magazine with genre focus

TALEBONES: A Magazine of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy
Guidelines: available online
E-mail: Use form available at website.
Patrick Swenson and Honna Swenson, Editors
Talebones/Fairwood Press
5203 Quincy Ave SE
Auburn, WA 98092

From the website: "Talebones is a semi-pro magazine featuring science fiction and dark fantasy from established and up-and-coming writers. It debuted in 1995."

Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.

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Rev'd 2004/10/21