Margin: Exploring Modern Magical 


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We at MARGIN recognize that finding homes for magical realist writing can be challenging. Is your work literary? Mainstream? Genre? For Writers Only regularly highlights two markets which have published magical realist writing.

We ask that you study publisher's guidelines very closely before submitting, and that you honor them to the letter. It helps to review sample copies of the magazine first, or to read samples of work online, when available. Studying your markets is one of the most effective ways to find homes for your work.

We wish all writers of magical realist the best of luck with their publishing goals. -- TKS, MARGIN


Literary journal ~ print format

The University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of English (M/C 162)
601 South Morgan Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607

Executive Editor Gina Frangello has this to say about reviewing magical realist manuscripts:

"One of Other Voices' board members is the surrealist writer Aimee Bender, who teaches many workshops and other classes on the magical realist tradition. We as a magazine are certainly receptive to this type of work, and in fact often send our favorite surrealist stories to Aimee for her take -- but it should be made clear that we are not looking for either sf or fantasy. We already get more of those manuscripts than we would like -- we don't publish genre work, it's just not what we do. Magical realism to us means the incorporation of the magical or surreal into a literary story, akin to writers like Bender or, obviously, García Márquez and the whole Latin American tradition of reality being seen as a permeable state. Magical realism is perhaps best used as a vivid way to express the core world views of different cultures."

Please visit their website for complete guidelines, and pick up a sample issue for review before submitting.

Special-interest magazine ~ electronic format, with annual print edition

Guidelines: uidelines.html

From Editor Andrew S. Fuller:

"Yes, I do continue to include magical realism in 3LBE, and would love to have the exposure toward any further stories of merit. Some magical realism stories in past 3LBE issues... "Orach"; "Tuesdays After Midnight"; "Starfish"; "Dark House Lane"."

We recommend you visit their website for complete guidelines, which are quite specific. Note: 3LBD only accepts electronic submissions.

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Rev'd 2004/01/18