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Kristen's Nifty Anime Page!

*UPDATED 01/03/02

WHOA-kay! I was WAY overdue for an update! Well, as life gets busier and busier all the time, it gets harder and harder to keep up with the site and do the things I really wanna do. I haven't even gotten around to making my navigation map yet, for crying out freekin loud!! It's a little sad. Well, lemme try to force some excuses down your... I mean... erm... lemme try to EXPLAIN my absence in a convincing enough... ER... in a truthful, non-self pitying manner... eheheh...

Well, as some of you may now know, our Kristen is a **SENIOR** in highschool!! This year, my otakudom is at its fullest: I'm not only taking an early (ugh, SO early) Japanese class, but I'm also senior co-president of Ani-Mayhem, Holy Names Academy's anime club. ^^ ::Beams proudly:: I'm also on the yearbook staff, and taking AP classes, and trying to get into college and finish applications, and attempting to find some time to draw, and maintaining my long-distance relationship with my boyfriend, and, oh yeah, not to mention my part-time job in the kitchen at an assisted living home...among other things. I'm a busy busy beaver.


Erm...sorry about that. ::Gets a slight nervous twitch:: Kristen's a busy bee, that she is. Okay, enough of my lunacy. It gets a little sad after a while.

Now then... why don't you kids go scroll on down and see what I have to offer? And don't you worry... the updates, although a little slowly, will come! Patience is a virtue, my loves; don't forget me in your bookmarks!

Thanks so much for stopping by- feel free to send your comments (they're always much appreciated!), and enjoy your stay!

*Love, peace, and anime*; ~*Kristen ^-~

***NEWS FOR JANUARY 3, 2002!!!***

*Happy New Year everyone! ^^ 2002 should kick arse, for this is the year Kreeton kisses Holy Names Academy BUH BYE!!! Hope you all have a great year!
*A new Kenshin drawing has been added to the drawing gallery! Despite the criticism of certain ignorant members of my family, I think it's bee-yootiful. Go take a look for yourself!

Sailor Clock!!! The time is now:

View My Guestbook, it's a good read!
Sign My Guestbook, gosh darnit!

Disclaimer: All work represented on this page, excluding my own, is the property of their respected creators. The material represented on this site is licensed by their respective studios and creators and is to be respected. My own work is not to be copied or used without my consent; please ask for permission before using any of the content displayed on KNAP, be it my own or someone else's, before using it for your own personal measures.

Oh, the places you'll go!

Kristen's SlamBook!
Kristen's Nifty Scan Gallery (a work in progress!)
Kreeton's Oh! My Goddess Image Gallery!
Kristen's Nifty DragonBall Z Gallery!
Kristen's Drawing Gallery! **UPDATED!* *UPDATED!**
My links page- go here for more great places to go!
All About Me, Kristen!
Kristen's Anime Jukebox!
Kristen's Anime Post Office!
*NEW!!* K-Chan's Anime Studio-- Anime Art For SALE!!! *NEW!!*
