Surname page list page.

Here are most of my ancestor and descendant reports as well as some other interesting pages you are welcome to peruse. Just click on the family line or article page below that you would like to see. The Coy pages are temporarily down for updates and corrections. Thanks for visiting! If you have a chance please visit my home page and SIGN MY GUEST BOOK! It means a lot to me to see your name there. Also feel free to email me at

These pages are NOT listed alphabetically.


Willey Page

Chiwawa River Valley. Where I love to go camping!

Interesting facts, quotes and citations from colonial life and other eras

A Poem for big sis. (Raeleen Carlson Hyde, desceased May 15 1995)


Caughey Page (with partial EMBRY genealogy!)

Coy Page Note: this page is down for updates and corrections.




Some Family Documents; wills, letters, etc. (mostly Elam, and Claiborne family)

Lindsey family

Silvey Page

Kiker Page

Mullikan Page

Garrett Page

Belt genealogy

Taylor and Beesley Page

Cheeney Page

Ely page

Hatcher and Elam