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Dragonball Lounge- An associate of Yabuu!© and Blupo!© Productions
Welcome to the dragonball lounge, the place of rest and relaxation for dragonball z/gt fans. Enjoy and y'al come back now ya hear!
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Welcome to my site once again. This page is for all you webmasters who would like to affiliate with me and exchange banners and all that crap. Anyways I do require a few things, here they are:

1. Your site cannot have a bunch of information just jumbled together to make a page. It must be organized into a somewhat nice looking site.

2. It cannot have some crappy midi imitation of a dragonball song. It also cannot have 50 bazillion gif's on the main page. I have a cable modem so it doesnt really matter to me but all you 56k'ers out there will hate it.

3. Well I have to set the limit somewhere, you must have at least 50 uniques a day. There are a few exceptions to this, if your site looks really great, I mean astounding, and its a brand new site you probably wont have 50 uniques a day so I may let it slide there. Also if you have like 45-49 uniques a day I may bend the rules and grant you the affiliateship. (Is that a word?!)

4. No hentai, I think that is kind of sick and I dont want a bad reputation on the internet world, sorry all you horndogs.

Now if you dont come close to meeting any of these requirements please don't waste my time. I will not accept you if your site, well, sucks. Now if you do meet the requirements contact me here Well good luck, also even if your site doesnt meet the requirements you can still put your link on the links page and your site in the topsites list. Good luck all you webmasters!

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All items and objects presented in this site are copyright of their rightful owners. This site takes no responsibility of any kind for the handling of these materials by other sources of any kind. Yabuu!© and Blupo!© Productions does not warrant the use of the layout or format of this site for use on any occasion, event, or so endorse the use of the Yabuu!© and Blupo!© Productions logo for personal profit or use without owners consent.
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Garlic Jr.

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