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Joseph Allen Leverett

William Perry Leverett

I wanted to thank you for the information presented on your website about the 1st U.S. Volunteer Infantry Regiment. You provided valuable information in filling out the life of my great-uncle, Joseph Allen Leverett, private, Co. A. and his younger brother William Perry Leverett, Co. D, 20th Georgia Infantry Regiment, Toomb's/Benning's Brigade, and my great-grandfather, David K. Funderburk, and his three brothers, Co. B, 2nd Georgia Infantry Regiment, Toomb's/Benning's Brigade.

Both Joseph and David K. were wounded and captured together at Devil's Den, Battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and sent to Point Lookout. Joseph, married and a father, accepted the offer of service in the 1st. David K., still single, held out for exchange and returned to his unit. He was wounded, captured, and sent back to Point Lookout at the Battle of Fort Harrison, Petersburg Siege, September 29, 1864. He was released from Point Lookout in July, 1865.

Joseph A. Leverett suffered a service-ending injury in Kansas in 1866, given an honorable discharge (I have the original) and went home to Georgia. The whole family migrated to Travis County, Texas, where Joseph's sister, Mary Caroline, married my great-grandfather, George J. Raven. They relocated to Wise County, Texas. Joseph and his family went with them. Joseph died in 1922, a popular and respected member of the community. His grave was marked by a Government military tombstone (see attachment) indicating service in the 1st U.S. Volunteer Infantry Regiment. A few months ago, the family applied for a Confederate Veteran marker for him. Amazingly, the V.A., after a phone call to us from them asking the reason for the request as he had been issued one in 1922, approved the request and the marker arrived a couple of weeks ago.

Last Saturday afternoon, members of our Camp and three other Camps of Sons of Confederate Veterans in the area and family members gathered at the cemetery for a Dedication Ceremony, complete with a display of flags, speeches, uniformed honor guard, musket salutes, and Taps played over the grave. Now, all the multitude of old Confederate Veterans buried all around him know his is one of them.

Thanks Again.

M. L. Smith

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This picture was donated by; M. L. Smith