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New tips will be added constantly as they come in.

-Use a continental grip to be more versatile By using a continental grip (gripping with a v-shape angle with your fingers) is theb est type of grip you can use while serving. It's the most consistent way to hit a serve. It's easy to place the ball where you want on the court without letting your opponet know where your placing it.

-Start your serves at 3/4 pace By starting your match hitting at 3/4 pace will let you build up later in the match as you get looser and more relaxed. Also you're not playing at your peak 100% of the time so you have to gradually pick up your pace as the match goes on.

-Double faulting When you start to double fault consistently the best solution is to lay off your first serve. Start hitting your first serve at around 3/4 pace until they start going in. Then gradually pick up the pace as your first serve percentage goes up.

-Return of Serve Having a good return of serve is vital to playing good tennis. If you consistently break your opponets serve, it gives you less tension to hold serve making you more relaxed. Everytime you return of serve you should always return it crosscourt. Reason being the net is at its lowest point in the middle and gives you less chance of hitting the ball out. by hitting a down the line gives you a risk of hitting it out or in the net. plus you have less depth then if you hit crosscourt.

-Use a long grip when serving When serving use the longest grip you feel comfortable with. The longer you make the racket the more power can be generated. If you hit the ball too hard adjust the grip accordingly.

-Stand near the center mark when playing singles When playing singles it's best to start your serves near the center mark so your opponent can't take advantage of an open court to hit in.

-Serve an volley tactics When serving and volley the most important part to remember is to the follow your serve to the net. If you are on the deuce side and serve out wide to your opponent it's best to move slightly to the left when running in for a volley. This make the angle for which your opponent to hit is much harder. when serving down the middle run behind where the ball lands.

-Play one fault serves to improve consistency Many players usually hit their first serve much harder than their second. And if they can't get their first serve in consistently the opponent has a good chance of attacking the weak second serve. A way to improve the first serve is to play one serve tennis. getting only one fault per point forcing you to get the ball in. By redcucing the power of the first serve slightly will help keep it more consistent and avoid your opponent to attack.