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Learn from the little creatures of the Earth. Their teachings may be the greatest.

I am surprised by the amount of information I have received over the past years... Yet it was not given to me to stay idle and gather dust,so here is the relationship of animals to spiritual work.

Many will know about the tribal legacy of the American indigenous people and their alliance with certain totem animals for protection, succour and advice. Most native communities rely on a close association with Mother Earth and what she provides in the way of local animal species. Therefore the spiritual acceptance of these relies on what is close at hand and how they interact with the human animal. If you find yourself drawn to a particular species then you may find they have much to offer you on a spiritual level.

They are often called TOTEM animals or familiars.

In Australia we find that there are different associations because of the unique animals found on this continent. However to speak truthfully, very few non- indigenous people could relate truly to those mammals that are part of a long forgotten past. I find it sad, but true, that we relate as a society to so many things that are so far away from the land we live in. One can only hope we come to grips with it before it is too late and all the habitats are destroyed ...

Please go see Ann Williams-Fitzgerald's page on Australian animals and their Wisdomfor further information.

There is also the point that unless you are native to the land of Australia your spiritual heritage is likely to be more closely linked with the Northern hemisphere. It has been explained to me why this is so, but at this point it is not within the scope of my current writing.

So you will find the channelled information I am now giving relates mainly to animals familiar to the Northern part of this world.


" Although all animals are created equal to spirit this is a list that shows in shamanistic terms the hierarchy. You may not be disappointed if you are 'low' on this list. It is only a list, it may give you something to strive for but it makes you no less equal to those who claim to be the wolf or the owl. We in spirit see only your goodness for that is what shines through to us. So now here is it is with explanations.


- for wisdom in adversity for at this stage wisdom is all you need. Here you transcend but as you are living in a body you meet the problems or adversities of the body. You are wise to these things, you help, you know where to look for the answers if you do not have them yourself. You are wise enough to say if you do not know.The Eagle Owl is one of my familiars.


- you immediately say cunning, well yes this is so. It is complementary to the owl. The owl may call upon the more worldly wolf for confirmation in the physical sense. There is wisdom here too but it pertains to the earth. The wolf can do many things for you such as protection and here you are right the wolf is strong enough to protect the aura.


- My friend Eagle says in his terms the eagle belongs here - the golden eagle as you know him. The Northern Indians consider the eagle to be master of the skies, answering the soul. You have this information already. [ Yes, I channelled 'Eagle' who considered itself part of a group soul. It was witty and very wise]


- Here I place the eagles who are not golden, but they are only a step away, this is how the Redmen saw them. They did not know the lions, other big felines are at this place - those that stalk with stealth in the woods such as the cougar. These animals have dominance over others on the earth plane. Do not forget the bear - they have immense power, are exceptionally friendly and loving creatures. They too took a place of honour in Indian communities.

You do know these animals were sent here some many million years ago from the planets in more advanced systems to help with colonisation of earth so that each one had a lesson to give mankind. It all fits in with karmic lore. Please excuse me when I say million years but it is easier to express the enormous time they have given to you on earth.

They in themselves were chosen as spirits then fitted out so to speak with what seemed right in body form. They are often returned to spirit enmasse when they die. It is those that choose to serve again that are individualised, sent back or sent onto become one of these so called animal spirit guides.

Click to Go to Dolphin Society


- So you say what of the dolphins ? It is hard to rank such intelligent creatures. I find them very pleasing to communicate with but they rarely belong in the shamanistic lore. They also belong so high up the scale that it is almost impossible to part them. Remember their special qualities, they hold the secrets of time and space travel, indeed they hold the key to the akasha - but man does not understand his need for them. By right they are of high density light - not heavy, high. They have not always been aquatic as you know. Some have returned but their place is taken by others, they truly need to rest.

Click to go to Whale adopt


- If you will include those great beasts, the whales. They also impart knowledge but because of their great size few but the privileged get to see it. They too are gregarious creatures. Man uses and abuses them for their gentleness but they too, have their own brand of wisdom.


- Here would be the birds of prey other than the eagle. The smaller birds such as the gosprey and hawk. They have the power of the eagle but lesser degrees of it. They have the mastery of the air but not to the same degree as the eagles. They too can come to land even if awkwardly, so their realms are two.

Here place those animals such that do service in labour to man. They long ago tried to get man's trust by serving him. But they knew in many cases this would indeed be a hard road to travel. So they have a large investment and often choose to make sure that investment earns interest - a good dividend if man travels further along the spiritual path. That is why so many are at this stage. It is the hard work put in by these creatures who have got them thus far. Now these animals include :



- a most valuable beast. Spiritually willing to heal, to go further with their client. They will stay while there is uncertainty on the human's part.


- The goat is of service too. It feels the spiritual needs of the person foremost and it often leas them along the path. They would say they are most spiritual animals and so they are.

This sees the animals domesticated by man. They are faithful and honoured to earn his trust.


- You know the domestic cat can be on a much higher level - their close proximity to man and spirit gives them a certain instability in levels. They can come and go as they please through the planes so they are in fact powerful in their own way.


- The dog too wishes to serve and this it does in the face of hatred even It is a good companion. It can trust and be trusted.



- All those creatures who appear delicate but strong and survive.


- I should have mentioned horses before but these creatures are not always included. They need to be used as part of the plan but they do not always rely on man. Some choose to come back if there is a particular affinity.


- too seem not to mind being used and this would be the same for pigs and sheep. They do not [usually] require more than food, bed and love. But to them a hard lot also falls - how many men can say they love a boar ?


- Now come the 'cute' animals, those that are meek and mild, the rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. This type of animal is not offensive and yet it relies on a stronger need for survival. Neither is it strongly defensive, it tries to protect its young to its best ability. This may also include some that give their beauty to enhance this world of yours such as the sparrow, the lark and so on.


- There remains the question of the reptiles. Man finds little affinity with these and they understand this but, as in the story of the snake it is only as man perceives them. For they too have the right and just place in the order of things."

Snake Bar

This is the interpretation of animals given by a guide. It is obviously only a short, general list that may be taken as the individual feels fit. Personally I believe there should be more investigation into the matter. An excellent channelled book on the subject is called " Awakening to the Animal Kingdom" by Robert Shapiro and Julie Rapkin.[1988 ISBN 0-945946-02-3 ]

**Please Remember-when making use of an animals skills or their life for food to say thankyou for the GIFT they have given you!

Animals give their Energy in many ways...see the animal essences...

Reconnecting with spirit may take on differing forms and as such the information we receive may astound us, as if it were something new and wonderful. There is certainly nothing wrong with this, a sense of discovery makes for an interesting journey, does it not?

Telepathic links with Animals

Please note that as far as I can ascertain all graphics on this page are non copyright..Please let me know if this is not the case..Thanks..

Talied's Reality