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I just loved The Power because the crap really hit the fan here. We find out a most excellent fact about Cassie. Black John, John Blake, Mr. Brunswick, whatever name you may call him by, is Cassie’s father. (I TOLD you not to read this if you haven’t read ‘em yet!!). Faye sells out the group (surprise, surprise) to become Black John’s tool. The group…really Cassie, Adam, and Diana, find the Master Tools. Black John takes over the school. The circle joins forces with Sally. WHOO! I just ran outta breath from all of that action! Man, this one is a goody! Cassie finally grows up and dumps Nick in the process. (I really hated that). But, it IS true that Cassie finally grew up. She stopped whining by The Power…and started taking real action. That’s what real grownups do. They don’t sit on their butts whining about Clover and unicorns.

Final Notes:

I just thought the whole Cassie/Adam thing was a bit weird. I remember when I first read them, I wanted Cassie with Nick. I mean, that’s where the romance was. But, I guess there’s no fighting the infamous “silver cord” thing. You can find out more about the silver cord and the Soulmate Principle in L.J. Smith’s Nightworld series. She goes into too much more detail about it there. As for the Secret Circle as a whole, they completely changed my life. I was a totally and completely different person after reading them. The effects of the change didn’t really come out until two years later…but if I had never of read them, I can’t even imagine how I would be!

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The Captive Books Laurell K. Hamilton

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The Night World series is the property of L.J. Smith and Archway (US).
The Vampire Diaries quartet is the property of L.J. Smith and Harper (US).
The Secret Circle trilogy is the property of L.J. Smith and Harper (US).
The Forbidden Game trilogy is the property of L.J. Smith and Archway (US).
The Dark Visions trilogy is the property of L.J. Smith and Archway (US) & HarperCollins.
Night of the Solstice and Heart of Valor are the property of L.J. Smith and Harper
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