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I am now in the process of finishing the LJ aspect of Vestia's Village and I'm going to try and add more aspects to this webpage. Over the next few months you will be seeing some major additions and changes hopefully. Please keep checking back!

Welcome to Vestia's Village of Fabulousness! This page was specifically designed to offer the world a taste of the more fabulous things that life has to offer. At Vestis's Village basically anything goes. Right now I'm in the midst of major, major reconstructive sugery on The Village, so pages that are normally up may be temporarily down or even permanently removed in some cases. But, don't be disheartened. My two best pages are up and running: new and improved no less! As the weeks go on I'll be putting more and more things up. So mark this page down and check up on it periodically. You never know what may pop up!

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