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Established guitar gods like Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), and Joe Perry (Aerosmith) rank him among the likes of Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. BB King once said "Peter Green was the only guitarist that ever made me sweat". His guitar playing on the hit instrumental "Albatross" knocked George Harrison on his side, and he specificly patterned his guitar playing on "Sun King" after him.

So, who is Peter Green?

That's a question I've heard much too many times. While Peter Green founded one of the most successful groups in rock history, chances are good that a common man won't know who the hell he is. This is one of the greatest tragedies music has ever had the misfortune of enduring. Sure, any idiot knows who Fleetwood Mac is. They're the group that made songs like "Don't Stop" and "Go Your Own Way" famous, right? They're the group that made Rumours the third best-selling album in pop history, right?

Sure. You could look at it like that. But when I hear the name Fleetwood Mac , I think of songs like "Black Magic Woman" and "Man Of The World". I think of albums like Then Play On and Mr. Wonderful . And, most importantly, I think of people like Peter Green, the man who founded this institution, and intended it to be a blues band before he lost control of his psyche and disapeared for decades. Until now, that is.

With this site, I'm going to try and bring the wealth of Peter's music into the minds of people, young and old. And ever since the Offical Site shut down just recently, I'm on my own. I just hope that I can do my job the best I can.

I hope you like the new frames version of the site. Navigating was getting rather difficult, so I hope that this new format will make it easier.

-Alex Mortland, Admin/Webmaster

Photo used with permission from Ron Chambliss Photo used with permission from Ron Chambliss
This Peter Green Webring site owned by
Alex Mortland.

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This Blues Ring site is managed by Alex Mortland

of Peter's fans have been here since Mar. 10, 1998
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