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Concerning The Pictures

I've just recently done something that I shouldn't have. I used some pictures which were originally on Cyberpenguin,and neglected to give them credit for the photos, which I should have done, and I apologize to the webmasters profusely. All credit has now been given to Penguin. And, to prevent this from ever happening again, I've put up this little section here.

ALL photos on this site are believed to be in the public domain. This is not true for everything, but, as I said, this is an assumption. Now, if you may happen to know otherwise, or you took the photo yourself, please Inform Me as soon as possible, so I can give out full credit to whomever may have copyright on the said photos or documents.

If I can be accused of anything, it's lazyness. I simply don't have time to hunt down whoever may have taken the picture, ask for permission to use it, and pay royalties. But, if you simply will not allow me to use the photo without royalties being paid, I'll simply remove it. Thanks for understanding.

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