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"I realize you're my reason..."

And now a few words from me.


This page is meant to pay tribute to one of the most influential people in my life. Andrew means a great deal to me, and this page is here in an attempt to keep the memory alive. It's not meant to idolize him, although the sheer fact that it exists may seem that way. This is my attempt to pay respect to someone who touched me with his music and to celebrate the memory and music that he left behind.

The first time I heard his voice, it was like magic. When I first heard him, I was at a point in my life where things weren't going all that smooth. His voice, the nonsense and not-so nonsense he was talking about, really picked me up when I needed it the most. I felt like, in a sense, he was singing to me. Ever since then, whenever I'm feeling down, Andy is always there to pick me back up again. He's very good at doing that.

Unlike most fans, I was fortunate enough to have heard Andy's music before he passed on. I first heard Love Bone in late `89. The day he died, I heard about it on, of all places, MTV. It really hurt; I can't even explain the way that I felt. Sort of like I had lost a really great friend. It was very emotional for me, and still is to this day.

The first time I came upon the internet, I did a search immediately for Mother Love Bone, Malfunkshun, and Andrew Wood. Some stuff did come up, but very little. I decided that, come hell or high water, I was making a page for Andy. He deserves one. I don't know if he'd feel all special about having one, but the rest of the world deserves to know more about this wonderful human being and all of the beautiful stuff that he was responsible for creating his short stint on Earth. That's what I hope I'm doing with this page.


When deciding what had to go into this page, I knew of course that any pictures I could get my hands on had to be here. I think I have quite a collection since there aren't that many out there. The poetry is the beautiful part....I discovered that all of my other pals that liked Andy (all 2 of them) had written poetry. I figured this must mean something, and when I put out the call for poetry at the beginning of this page's creation, I got a remarkable response. The poetry page is here to display everyone's beautiful work. They are kind enough to let me share it with you, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks to

Thanks to everyone who understands the way I feel about Andy and why this page is so special and important. You know who you are!

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"Love rock awaits you people..."