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The Meating Room.

Hi, my name's Aaron, for those of you who know me in RL or don't know me at all, for those of you who may know me from other places on the internet I'm beav on Global and Khiril just about everywhere else. For those of you who might possibly know me from Cons, well I've changed my name at every Con, so we'd best stick with Aaron.So, this is my page and I've done a bit of work on it, I like it and I hope you will too, but who knows? I'll be doing some more work on this place for a while, so be patient with me and come back often! Oh, and don't forget to sign the guestbook, eh?

My Favorite Links

My Music Page

My Page O'Links

A Page All About Me!

A Page Of Nifty Quotes From My Friends

A Page of Webrings that I belong to.

A Page Describing Some Interesting Dreams I've Had.

Take the Asshole Test! It's painless! Trust me...

A list of Rick Dolls that my friend Eric and I came up with!

A list of 27 interesting ways to die, also by Eric and myself!

Pictures of me and some people who agreed to pose as my friends for a small fee.

A story written in pieces by some of my friends and me

I'll get to it eventually

calm down, alright?

Dammit!!! i'll do it later,alright?!?!?!?!

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