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About This Web Site

This site is about aviation in Washington State. There are a few very interesting things nearby such as in Idaaho and Canada. Enjoy!

`Grumman Goose

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Links to Aviation in Other Countries


Italian Flying Clubs

Here Are Some Great Photo Links!

*NASA Image eXchange (NIX)

NASA has literally thousands of pictures on the web.
You get to choose from planes, people, projects, the x-series
and many other categories. Seemingly, unlimited
numbers of photos. We paid big bucks for these pictures
and we got our money's worth.

*A NIX List

NASA Image eXchange (NIX) Browser
Links to Thousands of NASA images.

*Dryden Research Center Photo Gallery

IMHO, the best photo gallery on the web.
NASA Dryden has each picture in varying
resolutions and sizes which you get to select.

Dryden Photo Gallery Logo

This gallery contains digitized photos of many of the unique research aircraft flown at what is now known as NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, California. These images date from the 1940s to the present. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. See the NASA copyright notification for more information. Multiple resolutions are available. All are 24-bit color JPEGs. For information on recent gallery changes, please see the What's New page for the gallery.

Current contents: 1226 images at 4.41 Gigabytes

This site contain general interest links as well as links to Mozambiques' relief effort by civil aviation pilots.
*Seaplanes in Como, Italy
This is a nice site giving a view of seaplane flying in Italy. Includes several pics of Lake, C-172, Super Cub seaplanes.
*Pictures From Lapland
This site requires a password obtainable online. It features mountain photography from northern Sweden by three apparently eccentric photographers. One of the photographers is a part owner of a Super Cub which he flies on floats in summer and skis in winter.
*Swedish Seaplane Association
This is a fine site and gives a good view of seaplane flying in Sweden.
*Taby Seaplane Club (Sweden)
Another great Swedish seaplane site.
*Vallentuna, Sweden, Flying Club
Largest fleet of An 2s (Antonov Russian Design Team bi-plane) I've ever seen outside Russia. You can buy one of these 1,000 hp, 10 place bi-planes for about $10,000 US. There is a dealer for these aircraft in Renton or Auburn, Washington. Thousands of these planes have been built for many years in Russia and they are still in production. If you are interested in the An 2, e-mail me and I will locate this guy for you. He is presently using his An 2 for parachute drops south of Seattle.

grumman goose

Duane's Grumman Seaplane Gallery


My first flying lessons were in a seaplane.
This site has great pictures of Grumman Seaplanes
and links to other seaplane sites.



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*Aerials Only Photo Gallery
Over 4000 aerial photographs of planes, ships, lighthouses, beaches, cities, nat'l parks and much more. Extremely high quality.
*Lake Aircraft Company Homepage
*Che-22 Amphibian Homebuilt
A Russian designed twin engine, 4 place, homebuilt. Looks a little like a Catalina PBY.
A prototype with several flying predecessors. Looks kind of like a Lake Amphibian, but much sleeker.
Freshwater Adventures, inc.
Bristol Bay Alaska outdoor adventure. Hunting, Fishing, Rafting, Kayaking, and Eco-Touring! Looks like it happens in a Grumman Goose.
Great Planes
An appropriately named page! Starts off with a 20 thumbnail photo table from the oldest to newest aircraft including seaplanes. Excellent!!
Grumman Goose 3-View and Stats
After checking out this 1 page info sheet on the Grumman Goose, backtrack the site to a lot of great aviation pictures.
The Gneech's Goose Page
A page featuring the Grumman Goose Amphibian
Kolb MkIII on Floats
Lake Amphibian Company Homepage
Martin Hadley's Seaplane Page
Martin Mars
The world's largest operational seaplanes are based in British Columbia near Port Alberni about 100 miles north of Seattle. This page is very informational.
Puddle Jumper Floats
If you have an ultra-light that you want to turn into an amphibian, this is the place to start.
Ross Aircraft Company
Manufacturer of the NEW Ross twin engined amphibian based on the Pilatus Britten Norman Islander
Seaplane Flight Training- Daytona Beach, FL
Multi-Engine sea flight training, private thru ATP in a 1946 Grumman Widgeon. This is one of my favorite seaplanes. It has a cruising speed over 200 mph. There was a very nice Widgeon based at Kurtzer's place in the late 60s. I haven't seen one around Seattle in years.
Seaplane Flying in Quebec
A lot of information about flying around Quebec. There is some information about seaplane flying. How would I know, the whole thing is in French. I would guess that the makers of this site are separatists because they show the French flag, the Quebec flag, but no Canadian flag. When these separatists finally break from Canada, they will be a little strip of white "civilization" facing an Indian nation able to split off and form a whole new country on this continent governed by a native Indian tribe.
Seaplane Pilot's Association
The most comprehensive seaplane site on the internet.
404Seaplane vs. Landplane "Pilot Technique" Comparison
A two place homebuilt kit. Nice Boeing 341 page, too.
Sport Flyer's Internet Resources
A massive site with thousands of flying links
Spruce Goose
The real official Spruce Goose museum. Other planes too. Very nice site.
"Tales of the Gold Monkey"
Remember back 15 years to a TV series featuring a Grumman Goose? This site id dedicated to bringing "Tales of the Gold Monkey" back to TV viewers in re-runs. Check it out. It's worth the time.
Vertroll's McKinnon TurboGoose Page
Photos of a Turbo Goose.
The Water Birds Page
Excellent photo gallery of seaplanes.
Waterbirds SeaRey Amphibian Dealer
Yep. You can buy a cute little 2 place amphibian here.

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