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Such Were Some of You!

Such Were Some of You

WELCOME to Restored One's!

We are a resource center on the tough/hard issues of sex & domestic violence offenders. We provide education and counseling to offenders, their significant others, and, other invovled parties. We are also advocates, of a Restorative Justice system. (See our links under Quick Information)

This site is still under construction, so please be patient--new tools and resources are on their way!

Feel free to browse around, and while you are here, please sign our guest book! And, please let others know we're here!

PS: We love to get email/hear from you. Let us know what you think. Feedback, ideas, criticism, and, suggestions, are always welcome!

Restored One's may be contacted at the following address:

PO Box 852 Tacoma, WA 98401-0852 (800) 645-3167

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Quick Information

The Recovery Network
Abuse support & recovery
Sex Addicts Anonymous
Peter gives personal hope to offenders
Prison Fellowship-Restorative Justice
Campaign for Equity-Restorative Justice
Our Mission Statement & Vision
Bare Basics of Sexual Offender Recovery
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Sex Offender Recovery
