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Offender Recovery

The following model describes [in a nutshell] the basic components for offender recovery.

The first piece of the model, is the offender. Offenders generally don't volunteer that they have a serious problem. Offenders, are usually in denial. They blame others, or justify their actions, or minimize the seriousness of it. The only way out, is, total honesty. And, that is the paradox. Such honesty usually only comes after a painful disclosure, such as an arrest. And, then, denial tends to come off in small layers at a time. All along the way, offenders have a choice: continue on the road to total honesty, or practice deception [which may or may not lead to further offending]. Offenders usually will be only as honest as they are required to be. To be totally honest, requires a continual self- examination, which discloses work that needs to be done. Offenders never just arrive, with no more issues to work on. Because offenders have blindspots, they need others to point out their discrepancies, lies, justifying, blame, poor choices, etc.

That is where community comes in.

GO Community!
