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Off Kilter's Niche In Hell

Hey people. Welcome to Off KiLTeR's pit.

Yes, I am a redhead. (and damned proud of it...)

This Red Ring site is owned by Mike.

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Hey! I am very Canadian, and damned proud of that too!!

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Wow! So, you actually came back here? Wow, repeat visitors! I think I am gonna have to write this one Down! Well not too much has changed here in the last two months. I threw up a couple links (see's cool) and not too much has been done since then. School is in session, so there is not too much to be done with this page until Christmas holidays. Until then, all the best. OfF KiLTeR

Sign my guestbook, or you'll be assualted by a clan of clumbsy manatee's bearing walnuts buster

View My Guestbook, but if you haven't signed it, you've been warned

Links, go fig...

ScribeCom, brought to you by Herb The Scribe (check it out!)
My Page o' pictures!.
My Ass Stuck In A Bucket
Dranak's Underlight Webpage
Some Cool Ass Wrasslin'
A Little Page of Linkz To People or Places
Punk Stuff...But still worth seeing.
My Crappy book o' the unregulated period of time...
The Best Darned Computer Tech Company in Edmonton
