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LC-410 Overview 





Vellox LC-410 is a significant advance in water repellant technology and imparts extreme hydrophobicity to which it is applied. Primarily the coating is used to treat the surfaces of Radomes and Satellite dishes but can also be applied to the back of circuit boards to form a moisture barrier. 


How it works 


Vellox LC-410 is more than a traditional water repellant coating such as Teflon, Telgar, Silicone etc…,because of the hydrophobic characteristics it imparts. Water droplets are actually held away from the surface of the substrate, and close examination will reveal a visible layer of air between the surface and the droplet. The air layer also helps to retard heat loss from the droplet which in turn, reduces or even eliminates the formation of ice.




As a one coat system Vellox LC-410 may be sprayed or brushed on to the surface which has been cleaned, dry and is free from grease. For a shadow free white surface, prime with a white oil-base polyurethane paint. For large areas a roller may be used and one even coat is sufficient. To treat smaller components dipping is permissible. The coating should be stirred (do not shake) well before use and applied in a temperature range between 40-100 degrees F. The coating will normally dry to the touch in approximately one hour but to completely set up twenty four hours of above freezing temperatures is recommended. 

Vellox LC-410 is clear when applied apply till entire surface is covered, within twenty to thirty minutes the coating will start to turn white. When surface turns white one additional coat may be applied to extend performance range.  


Type of surface 


Vellox LC-410 can be used on most surfaces commonly used in the manufacture of Dishes, Radomes etc., from surfaces that have been powder coated to Teflon. However, in the case of materials whose surfaces make adhesion difficult (such as polyethylene, polypropylene) lightly scuffing the surface to improve adhesion before coating is recommended. 




Vellox LC 410 has been developed as a simple, easy to apply hydrophobic coating that should last several years under moderate conditions of snow and rain. We recommend the coating be re-applied once a year to insure maximum hydrophobicity. 




The hydrophobic nature of the Vellox LC-410 coating is dependant on the bonding of tiny particles to the surface of the reflector. Therefore, surfaces that have been treated with Vellox LC-410 must be handled carefully to avoid premature degradation. Rubbing, scratching and excessive handling must be avoided. 




When re-coating over previously treated hydrophobic surfaces the old hydrophobic particles must be removed by scrubbing with an abrasive cleanser or mild solvent, rinsed with water and dried before re-coating with Vellox LC-410. 

Vellox aerosol can be used to touchup imperfections.




Vellox LC-410 is a solvent based coating. 


When dry creates a flat white surface making the surface appear frosted.


Coverage: 300 square feet of surface per gallon.


Material safety data sheets are available from Vellox Coatings.




Vellox is a registered trademark of Vellox Coatings   

All suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith, but without guarantees as conditions and method of application of our product are beyond our control. Proper application is critical to insure maximum hydrophobicity.