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Hispanic Ministry

A ministry to the Hispanic people in our congregation and community. The Hispanic ministry is a church within a church. They are vision driven and excited about God. The Victory family welcomes our Hispanic community with open arms of love. We thank God for the opportunity to share in this growing ministry and we welcome you to join them during regular service times and during their schedule services and activities.

Ministerio Hispano

"Ministrando a nuestra comunidad"

Hola, soy el hermano Jose Luis Mendoza y junto a mi esposa Noemi le damos la mas cordial bienvenidad a nuestra pagina del Internet. Dios esta moviendose en este ministerio llamado Tabernaculo De Victoria de una manera maravillosa y le pedimos que si vive en esta area que nos visite prontamente. Si tiene necesidad de oracion no deje de escribirnos o llamarnos. Que Dios le bendiga grandemente.

Siempre les aman


Jose & Noemi

Directores Senior Pastor

Orden De Servicios


Domingos Escuela Dominical 9:30 AM

Domingos *Celebracion 10:30 AM

Domingos Adoracion 3:30 PM

(1-3 Del Mes)


* Traducion al Español


Experimenta a Jesus con nosotros... Tel: 912-435-0900 / 483-9457


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We want to hear from you.....    God Bless and have a Victorious Day in the LORD!