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Hi There! Check here soon for students who have earned special "Thank You's" in class...and other awards ...............Special Thanks to Stewarts Shops for donating 12 Gallons of ICE CREAM for our ICE CREAM SOCIAL on October 1st. It's at 6:30pm and everyone's invited...even parents and little siblings!
Science 7 Team Success Student Page
Regents Biology Page
Parents Page

Team Success Science Student Page. You can find an Assignment list and calendar here, links to our glossary of vocabulary words, our mysteries, and other important information.

e mail Klugo...ask about assignments, grades, progress, etc.

Inspirational stories

Regents Biology Page. You can find an Assignment list and calendar here, links to our glossary of vocabulary words, our mysteries, and other important information.

About Mr. Klugman
7th and 8th grade curricula.
Hackett's Chess Club

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Klugo uses stories about some of his experiences growing up, coaching, competing and teaching to illustrate various points he makes in class. Check 'em out here.Sometime today, someone will say something that COULD change your life...the only question is whether or not you'll be listening!.

Believe it or not, my real name is Mike Klugman. The nickname "Klugo" came from students and other teachers. It has become the name of one of the review games we play in class and my nickname.

Check out all of the topics we study in the 7th and 8th grades here.

KLUGO started the chess club at Hackett Middle School six years ago. Last year we had as many as 60 members (out of 750 students in the school)! . Hackett's and Albany High's clubs are one the strongest scholastic teams in the capital district

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to my homepage.

copyright 1999 KLUGOproductions

Last Modified 09/21/03

Hit the bricks to move on!

Who is KLUGO Albany City School's Home Page Check out the 7th or 8th grade science curriculum Check out the chess club Check out these cool sites Go to KLUGO'S Home Page